Chapter 10

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The song finally ends and I realize I have been holding my breath. Letting it out, I wipe my eyes. I want things to go back to the way they were. I want you back in the passenger seat, rolling the windows down, and singing to every song.

I keep changing the radio stations not being able to listen to it. Every song that plays reminds me of you. Some song by Fun is playing when I decide to turn it off. I can’t even listen to music anymore. Nothing sounds the same now that you’re not here.

After driving an hour in silence, I arrive at Louis’ house. His mum is out front planting flowers. She stands up smiling as she sees me get out of the car.

“Harry! I haven’t seen you in so long!” she says giving me a hug.

I hug her back tightly. She looks so tired. I can tell Louis and his sisters must be pushing her. I know she constantly worries about him. Then having four girls in the house is a handful.

“How are you?”

“I’m good. Been busy. Especially since Louis is staying for more than a week.”

I start to walk into the house until she says one last thing to me “Harry, take care.” I just nod my head and go in.


“Harry?!” I hear two high pitched voices say.

I glance down the hall and see the twins charging towards me. I catch them in my arms and spin them around.

“Hey girls. Where is Louis?”

“In his room.” Daisy says.

I ruffle their hair and walk towards his room. He is sitting on his bed, staring out the window.

“Hey Tommo.”


He jumps off the bed and pulls me into a hug. We sit on the bed not talking.

“So you said you needed to get out of town. What’s bothering you?”

“Louis, I can’t keep doing this. It’s like I’m in a rut, doing the same thing over and over. I can’t stop thing about Ellie. I can’t live without her… I’m nothing without her.”

“You aren’t nothing Harry.”

“Are you kidding? Before her I had nothing going for me. I would sleep all day and bicker with my mum. Ellie actually got me doing things and enjoying life.”

He scratches his head.

“How about you get a shower? It will make you feel better. Then we can go out. Maybe clear your mind some.”

I nod my head and make my way to the bathroom. I take off my shirt when I hear a knock on the door.

“Hey Harry. Can I come in?” Louis muffled voice says.


“Here I brought you some clothes. These pants are too long for me so you can probably fit them. And here’s a shirt.”

“Thanks Lou.”

He nods his head and walks out. I start the water, getting it hot. Stepping in the water hits my skin. It feels so good.

Once my shower is over, I get dressed. I actually feel a little better. I make my way back to Louis’ room.

Louis is lying on his stomach. He has a necklace in his hands, playing with it. I look a little closer and I see it is his father’s. He must be thinking about him.

“Hey Louis, you okay?”

He jumps at my voice then rolls over on his back.

“I saw my dad.” He says it so quietly that I barely hear him.

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