Chapter 13

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Lauren P.O.V

The days of the week flew by. Before I knew it the middle of the week had creeped up on us like a thief in the night. I woke up early Thursday morning and looked at my phone 6:37am. I rolled over to snuggle with Cassie but her side of the bed was cold. Frowning I got up and wrapped a blanket around me then went looking for her. After checking the living room and the kitchen I glanced out the window and saw her standing on the beach looking out over the water. I walked out to join her,

"You ok baby?" I asked.

"The ocean is really beautiful." Cassie said slowly. "People can tear down trees, dig up dirt, cover as much land as they want. But the ocean remains constant."

We looked out at the ocean in silence for a few minutes. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze blow around me while I inhaled the salty smell of the water. I wiggled my feet and felt the sand flow through my toes. When I opened my eyes Cassie was looking at me. Her facial expression appeared conflicted but admirable.

"What?" I asked feeling myself flush.

"I have to tell you something."


She grabbed my hand and led me to some boulders. We climbed up to the top one and sat down. I wrapped the blanket around both of us.

"Tell me, I'm getting nervous!" I said.

"I don't know and easy way to say this... I've been engaged before."

I frowned. "To who,when, what happened?"

There was a pause before Cassie answered. "About a year or so ago. She was beautiful, brownskinned with thick curly hair. And her eyes... they were the lightest brown and when the sun hit ... they reminded me of honey."

She mumbled on to herself and I felt a pang of jealousy.

"What happened to her??"

Cassie looked up into my eyes as though I had awaken her from sleep,

"Oh umm. Sh- she's gone now."

My eyes widened, "Oh my god baby she died?"

Cassie turned her head and looked off onto the horizon. The sun was beginning to rise. I hugged her.

"Well I'm here for you baby. No matter what, Lauren and Cassie against the world."

She smiled and I kissed her lips.

"Let's go back to bed." I suggested. Cassie nodded and we headed back to the house.

Cassie P.O.V

Stupid stupid stupid!! I thought to myself as I trailed behind Lauren to thr house. Why the hell had I lied to her!? Well technically I didn't because I didn't say Janelle was dead, she just assumed. But I hadn't corrected her. Ugh. Stupid stupid stupid! I needed a damn drink.

Michelle P.O.V

We all decided to have a cookout on the beach. Simone and Amina had gone to the store and Cassie and Lauren had disappeared to their room again. I showered then rummaged through the dresser looking for my purple swimsuit.

"Maybe if you had folded your clothes before putting them in there you would know where it was." Eva said peeking out the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a bunch of clothes. An envelope fell from them. The one my Grandma had given me. I ripped it open. There was a card and a letter :

Sweet Little Rose:

I am so proud of you for graduating. Your mama worked hard to finish school and I'm glad to see you do the same. One day you'll have kids and they'll work just as hard to get an education. It feels good to know that we've set the past for future generations of out family to be successful. I want you to be happy little Rose and remember that know that no matter where you go, or what you do; even if i'm not with you that I love you with all my heart. Mama Rose wont always be around baby. I'm getting older and not everything works like it should. I'm ok now but I just want you to know that even if I'm not always with you physically that I will still take care of you. Attached is my will and some money I've had put away for you for a while now. The check is a graduation present. Make me proud baby.

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