Chapter 11

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Cassie P.O.V

I woke up to Lauren staring at me.

"Uhhh, Good morning."

She smiled, "Good morning."

I noticed her bottom lip was slightly swollen, and a feeling of dread washed over me.

"Did I do that to your lip??"

"Oh no! I umm, I bit my lip alot while we were..." she giggled nervously.

I sighed, relieved. Lauren leaned over and kissed my cheek. Her breath smelled minty. I got up and brushed my teeth then lay back down with her. She got on top of me and began kissing me hungrily. She sucked on my neck then kissed down my body. I groaned then stopped her,

"You don't have to do any of that babygirl. I just like pleasuring you."

"But I want to." She grinded against me, "You're so sexy," she rubbed her hands down my stomach and pulled at the band on my underwear. "Just let me return the favor baby."

Lauren looked down at me. Her hair fell around her face like a mane, and her lips had a little pout. Her breasts were perky and even though she was naked she sat on me with such a confidence that I couldn't say no to her if I tried. I nodded,

"Yeah, go on."

She slid down and began kissing around my waist. She pulled off my boy shorts then she spread my legs. I groaned as she planted small kisses on my inner thighs. Suddenly I felt the wetness of her tongue on me. I shivered gripped the sheets to try and keep my composure.

Lauren slid one of her fingers inside me while she played with my clit with her tongue. She found the sweet spot inside me Oh damn I moaned Mmmm fuck. I pushed her head down on me and rocked my hips. Lauren sped up sucking and licking my pussy. I had to admit I'd never met a girl who could eat it like she could.

"I'm gonna cum baby please, don't stop."

Lauren slowed down to an agonizing pace as she slid 2 fingers inside me.

"I want this to last." She murmured. She began to move her two fingers in and out of me slowly as she kissed my thighs and outer lips purposely avoiding my clit, which begged to be touched.

Please baby let me cum.

She increased her pace slightly till I felt my self about to burst.

Mmmm yesss just like that

Suddenly she pulled her fingers out of me.

"Lauren stop fucking teasing me!!"

Her eyes bored into mine full of lust and mischief.

"Ask nicely."

Please baby

And with that she went down on me, her tongue taking me to a place of complete pleasure and bliss. When she was done she came up and lay in my arms.

"Damn you're good at that."

Lauren blushed then curled up beside me,

"Want to share a shower?" She asked.

"If we do that we'll never leave this room."

"Fine I'll go take one in my room." She got all the things from her case then grabbed the case itself and headed for the door.

"You forgot your clothes." I said

"We're in a house full of girls. I'm not that concerned about any of them seeing me naked."

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