Chapter 17

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Janelle p.o.v

I stood at the bottom of the bed as Simone and Cat regained consciousness. Simone awakened first, sat up and looked at me bewildered before noticing the change in her and Cats attire. She reached over shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

"What's going on?" Cat asked as she sat up and looked down at herself. "Did you bathe us?"

"Yes and I've decided what I'm going to do with you."

Cat spoke up, "Why are we wearing collars??"

"Are you going to force us to fuck you or something?" Simone asked.

"You have such a smart ass mouth. I'm gonna punch you in it if you say one more thing to me out of line." Simone glared but said nothing, "Anyway I'm more of a voyeur. So you guys are going to fuck and I'm going to watch."

"What, No fucking way!" Simone crossed her arms.

I leaned over into her face. "Yes you are. You're going to do exactly what I say because you have no choice. There's a button in my office that fills this room with a poisonous gas. Either you fuck her or you die. Your choice."

I stood up and took the flexi rods out of Cats hair. The curls fell perfectly. I unhooked the collars from around their necks then left the room. Once in my office I sat in my chair and watched the screens to see what they would do. There wasn't really a gas button Simone was just so hard headed. She'd come around though. Soon she'll be my perfect little captive and she and Cat will be much easier to deal with. My phone rang. It was Charlie. I answered.

"Janelle what the actual hell have you gotten yourself into this time?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean some guy from Allentown is sniffing around your records. Talk about a kidnapping floating around. Janelle if this is true I can't help you this time, this is over my head!"

"What guy?"

"Private investigator." I heard papers rustling, "His name is Logan Cartman."

"I've got this under control Charles, don't worry. In fact I'm on vacation."


"Umm can't say random place I stumbled across."

"Sure Janelle. Just watch yourself."



Simone p.o.v

"I don't want to die Simone." Cat had started crying.

"Shh shh we won't, I've looked out for you so far and I don't plan on changing that."

I tilted her head so that she faced me and wiped her tears. She leaned in and kissed me and I backed away.

"Whoa Cat what are you doing?"

"You heard her, if we dont do stuff she's going to poison us."

"I know but..."

"But what? Look it would be worse. She could be beating us or something. We're actually lucky."

Cat had a point. She leaned in to kiss me again and this time I let her. Her lips were soft and warm. I kissed her back imagining it was Amina. I missed Amina like hell. I kissed Cat harder wishing they were Amina's lips. I slid my hands down her body how I used to do Amina's. The lingerie outfit looked good on her. I unhooked the bra and cupped her boobs in my hand. I used the tip of my tongue to tease first one nipple then the other. Cat was panting from my touch. I pulled her close to me and began kissing and sucking in her neck, Amina used to love when I did that.

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