Chapter 7

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Eva's P.O.V

I woke up alone in the bed and stretched. My body felt a little sore and I winced as I walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth with one of the courtesy toothbrushes. Looking at myself in the mirror I wrapped a big white towel around my body. I thought about all that happened last night and blushed. Shaking away that thought I tried to tame my hair but gave up and instead just twisted it into a bun.

I exited the bathroom and followed the smell of food to the kitchen. Michelle stood with her back to me at the stove, she had on nothing but some underwear and a t-shirt. Her curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail Lauren stood beside her in her underwear and bra with a towel wrapped around her hair. I wished for my notebook so I could draw them there, they looked so sexy together.

I cleared my throat and they both turned to me. Michelles face lit up and she abandoned the pancake she was cooking and wrapped me in a hug. She kissed my lips softly,

"How are you feeling baby?" she said lightly.

I blushed,

"Sore but good."

She winked at me and went back cooking. I leaned on the counter and watched them.

"Breakfast is pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and grits."

My stomach growled, I hadn't realized how hungry I was. Lauren finished the eggs and separated them equally onto the three paper plates on the countertop. She placed the pan into the sink.

"Hurry with the pancakes," she said the Michelle, "I'm starving."

Michelle made a face,

"Don't rush me. I'm a professional pancake chef, perfection takes time."

Lauren rolled her eyes but grinned. She turned and came over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I stood up straight so that we were eye to eye. She kissed me on the lips softly and I felt a flutter in my belly. I couldn't deny that kissing Lauren turned me on a lot. Lauren tugged on my towel and it fell to the floor. She grabbed my bun and pulled my head back kissing my neck roughly. With her other hand she grabbed my ass. I heard myself moaning again as Lauren backed me up against the counter. Michelle cleared her throat,

"Can you guys not have sex on the kitchen counter? We're about to eat here." She smirked at us and looked me up and down hungrily.

Lauren stopped and grinned sheepishly. I blushed and grabbed my towel and we sat down to eat.


Lauren went home and Michelle and I went back to her house. We sat on the couch with her arm drapped around me. The tv was on but we ignored it as we talked.

"So. How did you feel about Lauren being there?" Michelle asked.

"Umm, I though it was fun. She's very sexy. Je la trouve excitant."

"Exciting?" Michelle inquired.

"She is uhh, arousing is the english equivalent."

She kissed my cheek.

"You're so cute."

I giggled, "She made me feel comfortable, and you too. She's hot."

"She is", Michelle agreed, "To be honest me and Lauren have always had alot of sexual tension (I nodded in agreement, I had noticed) It was nice to let it out."

I felt like I should be bothered by that but I wasn't. I actually liked it. Lauren was sexy and I didn't feel awkward around her. There was no possible way I could deny my attraction to her, and seeing her and Michelle together got me beyond turned on.

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