Chapter 14 Part 2

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Simone p.o.v

I heard my phone ping from the other room.

"Babe check my phone will you?" I called to Amina.


She walked in the kitchen a moment later and showed the text to me :

Passing through Allentown for a few days. Lunch tomorrow? - J

"Who's J?"

I frowned, "I'm not sure."

Who is this? I text back. I lay my phone down. Amina crossed her arms at me. I ignored her gesture.

"So what do you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know why don't you ask J?"

"Don't be childish it's probably a wrong number."

"That happens to be texting a person that's also in Allentown?" Amina raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well I did buy my phone here, half the numbers start the same. Are we really about to argue about this like some kids in high school? Let the shit go."


I rolled my eyes. I really didn't feel like arguing with her. My phone buzzed again.


Why the hell was she here?

Amina looked at me expectedly.


"It was a wrong number baby damn. What's with you today you never act like this?"

"Nothing." She turned and left the kitchen. I sighed and texted Janelle back.

Lunch tomorrow is fine, what brings you to Allentown?

Janelle: Checking in on an old friend. Lets say 12:30 at Charlie's? My treat

Me: Yeah that's fine.

I shoved my phone into my pocket then thought about it and deleted the texts between Janelle and I. Not that I had anything to hide.

You cheated, kissing is cheating. You almost fucked her.

I groaned and ran my hand through my hair. It's just lunch, nothing's wrong with that. I finished putting away dishes then decided to go for a walk in the park, I did not feel like dealing with Aminas attitude.

Cassie P.O.V

I glanced over at Lauren. She had been quiet and withdrawn since we left Walmart. We'd stopped a few more stores after that; I needed fabric, a mannequin, and an sewing machine so that I could do some work. Lauren sulked the whole time.

"Soooo, do you want to tell me what's wrong?'

No answer.

"..... are you hungry?"

"I ran into Janelle in Walmart."


"Yeah. Your ex."

"What the hell is she doing here?"

"She told me everything."

I glanced over at her, "I told you everything, we talked about this."

"You didn't tell me you FUCKING RAPED HER."

I slammed on the brakes. "What the hell Lauren, do I really look like a rapist! What kind on monster do you think I am??"

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