Chapter 21

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Amina p.o.v

I woke to the sound of my phone vibrating on the night stand. I groggily grabbed it and answered.

"Amina? Are you still in bed?" It was Kasey. I wiggled from under Simone's arm and leg and walked over to her desk.

"No I was getting up." I lied.

"Sure you were... are we still doing lunch today? I need to talk to you."

Oh shit. Lunch with Kasey had completely slipped my mind. Why did I do irrational things when I was angry? I glanced at Simone. She was still asleep snoring lightly. I needed to end this thing I had going on with Kasey, whatever it was. I might as well make it face to face.

"Hello?" Kasey said

"I'm here, yes lunch is fine."

We agreed where to meet and what time.

"See you later Amina."

"See you."

I hung up and rubbed my temples. I was going to miss Kasey. But I couldn't stay friends with her while my relationship with Simone was in such a fragile place. I lay back beside Simone and she immediately curled up closer to me. I watched her sleep for a while. She looked peaceful and calm, not stressed at all. I'd missed waking up to her. I'd missed sex with her. I was suddenly very aware of how sticky I was. I started to get up but Simone wrapped her arm around me. She looked up at me in sleepy confusion,

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I was going to take a shower baby, I'm all sticky."

She grinned, "I like you sticky." She got on top of me and laid on my chest.

"So are you going to keep up this workout thing? You kind of look like you run track or something."

"Maybe." She propped herself up on her arms and looked at me.

"Share a shower?"

I nodded, "Carry me."

"Hell no." Simone got up and went to the bathroom.

"Fuck you."

"I fucked you last night you seemed pretty content." She must have been brushing her teeth because her voice sounded funny. I got up and joined her in the bathroom.

"I faked it." I said as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

Simone laughed, "Well you should be a fucking actress."

"You mean a porn star?" I countered.

"Maybe." Simone smacked my ass as she left the bathroom.

"Ouchie." I finished brushing my teeth and peeked out a Simone. She was standing by the window looking at her phone.

"What happened to our shower? And I hope no one can see you, Cause a naked lady standing in the window would go viral pretty quickly."

Simone tossed her phone on the bed then wrapped me in a hug, planting a big kiss on my lips and grabbing my ass.

"You're a big ass baby." I told her.

"I missed grabbing this." She squeezed my ass again.

"Cat didn't have enough for you to squeeze?" I asked and immediately regretted.

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