Chapter 26

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Authors note : IMPORTANT. I accidentally unpublished this fiddling around with the app (sorry I know it clouded your notifications) Guys I've been writing this story for like 2 years. I forget about it then come back and write or get writers block for months. I'm going to end the story here but there will be an epilogue. It'll be in 3rd person so you know what happens to everyone. It should be up either later tonight or tomorrow night. Thanks to everyone who stuck by the story. Te amo.


Cassie p.o.v.

Time was passing by quickly. The past 2 weeks me, Eva and a few guys I hired packed and put things into storage. I made Lauren sit it out because I didn't want her straining herself. Michelle wasn't much help with her cast. I had managed to convince Lauren to move to New York with me. Michelle and Eva would stay with us until I their apartment was ready.

Simone and Amina had already left for school. They had taken the car instead of flying. Simone was emotional and made me promise to look after Lauren or else she would come back and stab me. It was about a half hour ordeal before Amina pried her off of Lauren so they could get to campus at a decent hour.

I put the last of Laurens things in the U-haul truck and turned to her. She was staring at the house longingly.

"You ok?" I asked.

She nodded. "I grew up here. I played at that park. Me and Michelle used to play out here. Hide in the bushes and scare my parents. I'd climb out that window and we'd sneak off to parties. There's so many memories. I didn't think it would be this hard to say goodbye."

I hugged her gently.

"We'll come back and visit."

Lauren smiled sadly. "Ok let's go." She climbed into the truck and we drove to Michelle house. I helped them load their things into the U-haul while Michelle's mom stood by watching tearfully.

"I can't believe my baby is leaving me." She hugged Michelle tightly.

"I'm going to come visit you mom."

"I know but... You better call me every morning. And night. Make sure you eat and don't talk to strangers New York is full of weirdos."

"Hey we aren't that bad!" I joked.

"All of you come here." Michelle's mom beckoned us together and took some pictures of us.

"You've talked to Rose right?" She asked Michelle. Michelle nodded.

"Ok I'm done. Be safe ladies." She kissed Michelle and Eva's heads and hugged me and Lauren.

Lauren and I got back in the truck and Eva and Michelle got into her car, a new BMW, just like the first one except grey.

We waved to Michelle mom as we pulled off and then we were on our way to New York.


Once we had mostly settled in we sat at the bar in my kitchen and kinda just chilled. I didn't let Lauren drink, even though I don't think she wanted to. We were on good terms now. We never said vocally that we were together but we had an understanding that I was comfortable with. We hadn't done anything sexual either. Even though she was out of the hospital I told her I was afraid of hurting her by being too rough but really I was just embarrassed to say my real reason out loud. Lauren was not at all happy about that that. I thought back to the day after she got out of the hospital.

"That shower was the best I've had in my life." Lauren looked pleased with herself as she towel dried her hair and sat down on the bed next to me.

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