The Connection - Chapter One

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Chapter One (Edited)

I woke at exactly 7:30 am to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned and fumbled through my bedsheets looking for my phone to shut off the alarm. I stepped out of bed and headed to the bathroom nearly stepping on my cat Percy who was stretched out in front of my bedroom door.

I brushed my teeth then threw on some black sweats and a pink crop top. I tames my hair into a ponytail and pet Percy before going downstairs and filling up his food and water bowl. I rubbed his white fur while he ate. My mother came down the steps already dressed in a black Calvin Klein dress and nude pumps. She was an attorney for Colten Law Firm and even though she was very busy she always made time for me.

Before I was born my father had died in a car crash. My grandmother had taken care of me until my mom finished college and it had been the 3 of us ever since. My grandma Rose lived a mere 15 minutes away and her place was like a second home to me. 

My mother was tall like me and we shared the same chestnut colored eyes and untamed curly hair. People said we looked like twins, which my mom loved because she it made her feel young.

"Good morning Princess" she said and kissed my cheek. She held me at arms length and looked at my outfit.

"Honey, you only have 3 weeks left of school you sure you dont want to dress more... I don't know mature.... feminine.... we can go shopping if you need to. Or I can just give you my card."

I groaned,

"Can't you just be happy I'm graduating?"

She laughed lightly,

"Ok fine wear what you want. You ready?"

I grabbed my bag off the couch and we went and got into the car.

"So! Your birthday is next month have you given any thought to what you might like to do?" Mom asked as she started the car.

"I was thinking about maybe a hotel party. Not as big as my sweet 16 though."

Mom smiled, "Yeah that's fine."

"I was hoping we could use the RV so we could drive up to the beach the day after." I added.

Mom pursed her lips,

"Who is 'we'?" she asked.

"Just me, Eva, Lauren and Simone. She's home for the summer." I informed her.

Eva was my girlfriend and we had been going out for 5 months now. Her fathers French and her mothers Greek and since the day I met her I found her olive skin and dark brown hair intriguing. She also had a slight accent which added to her charm.

Mom peaked at me and smiled,

"So you really like Eva huh?"

"Yes a lot." I blushed as a sent Eva a text telling her how close I was to school, "She's amazing."

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it,

"That's wonderful baby I'm happy for you."

I squeezed her hand back. "Thanks mom."

"Just remember, love isn't something that can be forced or rushed. Its like a seed, Once it's planted you have to nurture it and wait patiently for it to grow."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "You need to stop reading those love self help books mom. Are you going to let me use the RV?"

She laughed and kissed my cheek as we pulled into the school parking lot and I hopped out the car,

"Maybe, we'll see."

She drove away answering her phone. I walked to the football field and waited by the bleachers for Eva. We met there every morning before school. A few minutes later she appeared. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. She blushed and smiled,

"Good morning beautiful" she said. Her accent was stronger in the mornings especially when she was still sleepy.

"Good morning baby how you doin?"

"I'm great, we have time for Starbucks?"

"Sure" I grabbed her hand as we walked.

We talked about my birthday and graduation and our plans after. Eva was going to art school and I was going to a community college to study business. We were pretty excited about graduation and a summer of adventure before starting the rest of our lives.

I checked the time 8:30 we'd been sitting in Starbucks over 15 minutes talking.

"We'd better get back to school, we have 10 minutes." I said.

We got up and began walking back to school. Eva started telling me about a new painting she was working on.

"I was on the walk through the park and I saw flowers, they were so pretty and I got the picture on my phone. Then I put it on my computer and made it..."

She rambled on the way she did when she was excited, slipping french words in where english couldn't express. I loved the way her eyes seemed to sparkle when she talked about painting. I examined her profile while she talked. It was as if her face had been sculpted. Her eyes were almond shaped and greenish hazel. She had a narrow nose and pouty lips that reminded me of Angelina Jolies. Her jawline could cut ice. 

"Michelle are you listening to me?" Eva asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry baby" I said and smiled sleeply.

We had reached the school and she walked me to my first period. Eva kissed me softly on the lips. I pulled her close to me and kissed her back harder.

"Get a room!" my bestfriend Lauren was standing beside us grinning, "It's too early for yall to be doing all that."

Eva blushed deeply and I laughed,

"Leave us alone Lauren!"

"You still coming over tonight?" I asked Eva.

She nodded, "My mother will bring my clothes after school."

The bell rang and Eva gave me one last kiss before she hurried off to class and Lauren pulled me into 1st period.

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