Chapter 4

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Eva had started to make the lasagna so I went upstairs to take a shower. I couldn't help thinking about how only a short time ago Eva had been in here, touching herself and thinking about me.

I hurridly showered then went to the kitchen to see how far along Eva had gotten with cooking. She was wiping the front of her shirt with a wet cloth, she turned and pouted at me,

"I got sauce on my shirt."

I laughed lightly and took the cloth from her then pulled her shirt off,

"You look better without one." I joked.

She swatted my arm playfully. I looked at her shirtless body. Her cute little waist and her perky boobs. I backed her against the counter and pressed my lips to hers while cupping one of her boobs in my hand. I loved the way it felt and I pinched her nipple causing her to moan. I reached around her waist and lifted her up on the counter then unhooked her bra and threw it to the side. I kissed her again on the lips then started kissing down her neck while running my hands all over her. I got to her right boob and sucked her nipple into my mouth tugging on it gently. She threw her head back and moaned. I went to the left one and did the same. She gripped the edge of the counter while she panted for more.

I pulled her down off the counter then led her to the living room and laid her down on the couch. I kissed down her stomach to the waistline of her Softee shorts. I pulled them down and admired how good she looked almost naked. I kissed up one of thighs then down the other. She moaned and whimpered Baby stop playing with me fuck me please. I grinned, I loved it when a girl begged for me. I ran my fingers over her underwear,

"Tell me what you want me to do baby."

She groaned from the touch,

"Fuck me baby, put your fingers in my pussy"

I pulled at the waistline of her panties.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong.

Eva jerked upright and snatched up her shorts before hurrying into the kitchen.

"Dammit!" I cursed under my breath. We had been so close. I huffed then went to the door. The UPS man was climbing into his truck and I looked down to see a package. It was way too fucking late for packages. I brought it inside and carried it to my moms room then joined Eva in the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. She pushed me back gently and bit her lip.

"The lasagna is done. We should eat." she said.

I sighed. Yeah, I was hungry. Just not for food.


Eva P.O.V

Damn damn damn! What the hell was wrong with me? We were so close ugh! I frowned to myself. I sat on a barstool in the kitchen while Michelle washed dishes. She was always brushing her curly hair out her face, It was so cute. I watched the way her hips swayed a little when she walked. She turned to face me. I noticed she didn't have a bra on and her nipples could be seen through her shirt. She followed my gaze and smiled,

"You like what you see baby?" she asked.

I felt myself blushing. Michelle came over to me and grabbed my hands. she slid then under her shirt to her boobs. I stiffened, not really knowing what to do.

"I'm your girlfriend, you can touch me however you want Eva."

She pushed her chest forward and I squeezed her boobs lightly. I started to massage them with my hands, tugging on her nipples gently. She moaned softly. I pulled her shirt up over her head, and took in her body. It was beautiful. She hopped up on the counter in front of me and kissed me deeply. I continued to caress her boobs, loving the feeling of her moaning into my mouth. I wanted to touch more of her though. I pushed her back onto the counter more and climbed up with her, I kissed her lips while I slid my hand into her panties. I had watched enough porn to know that the clit is a main source of arousal so I began to massage hers. Oooooo yess baby her moan was muffled because I was still kissing her. She lifted her hips up causing me to put more pressure on her clit while I rubbed it. Fucckk yess, put them inside of me she moaned. I felt myself get nervous, I didn't really know what to do.

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