Chapter 23

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Amina p.o.v

Lauren, Simone and I sat on the couch. Lauren was rubbing her arms and crying. Simone hugged her and rocked her back and forth.

"How did this start?" Simone asked.

Lauren wiped her face before answering.

"She fucking called me Miyah while we were having sex."

"Miyah??" I repeated. Cassie you dumbass.

"Yeah her therapist, apparently they had dinner yesterday and they kissed."

"Do you know anything about this Amina?" Simone asked.

"No! She only told me how the therapy session went."

Lauren got up.

"I'm going over Michelle's house."

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Simone asked.

"No I'll walk it's not that far." She went to her room and came back a little while later with a duffle bag. She mumbled a goodbye and left.

"This is bad." Simone said.

"Really bad. What do we do?" I worried about Cassie.

"You call Cassie and make sure she doesn't do something idiotic. I'll follow Lauren."

Simone p.o.v

I walked out of the house and in the direction of Michelle's house. I immediately noticed Lauren standing with her back to me in the park. I got closer then hid behind a tree to watch her. A black SUV pulled up, she got in and they drove away. I ran back to the house and got the car keys. Amina was still on the couch.

"Come on we have to follow Lauren."


We jumped in the car and I took off down the road. I didn't see the SUV.

"Damn! Lauren got in some random truck and drove away." I told Amina. I drove into the commercial area of town and we drove around for a while.

"Look! There's Lauren!" Amina pointed into a parking lot. I drove into it keeping an eye out for Lauren. She was coming out of the bank. She hurried to get back in the SUV and they drove away. I let a car get in front of me before I followed. I took out my phone and called Lauren.

"Hey did you make it to Michele's" I asked.

"Yeah I'm here now. We're about to go to the mall. I'll call you later."

"You dropped your charger on the way out. I'll bring it to you."

"No it's ok I have a spare."

"..... Don't lie to me Lauren. I can see you."

"You followed me??"

"Of course, are you really surprised after what happened to me. I hope you're not planning on running away. Cause I'd be pissed if that you didn't even tell me where you're going."

"I'm not running away I'm just taking a break from the Allentown. I'll be back in a week or so."

"Ok.... You're an adult I can't stop you but be careful and call to let me know you're ok. I worry about you."

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