Chapter 22

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Cassie p.o.v.

I was on Facetime with Amina.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're at home? Why?"

"I'm having dinner with Dr. Tanner. I'll drive back in the morning."

"How did therapy go?" Amina asked carefully.

"It made me feel a little better. To be honest though I forgot how giddy Miyah makes me feel." I admitted.

"Watch yourself Cass. Don't let a little crush fuck up what you and Lauren have."

"Lauren's not even speaking to me. How did lunch go?"

Amina sighed. "It was fine till Simone stormed out. Their parents gave them both a check for 2 million. Each."

"That's a jackpot."

"Right. Anyway they both got drunk on the way back so that was fu-"

There was a thud and Aminas eyes widened as she looked up.

"Aminnnnaa come party with us." It was Lauren. She came and sat beside Amina with a drink in her hand.

"We're doing tequila shots. Hey Cassie. You bitch, I love you where are you?"

She leaned in to kiss the screen. Amina pulled it away.

"Hey you and Simone should have a a dance off." Amina suggested.

Laurens eyes lit up.

"Fuck yeah." She got up and left.

"So I'm babysitting tonight thanks for leaving me alone."

"So sorry." I cringed.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't do anything you'll regret. I'm going to go watch them now."

"K night."


She hung up and my office phone rang. It was my chef, Bernard.

"Dinner will be ready in 10."

"Thank you."

I had taken a shower earlier and wrapped my locks in a head scarf. I had put on some sweats and a black t-shirt. I checked myself out in the mirror. I could look good in a garbage bag. There was a knock on my office door. My housekeeper Mrs. Walters smiled warmly at me.

"Cassie my doll. Oh how I've missed you."

Mrs. Walters was 49, short and the sweetest lady I had ever met. I had ran into her about a year ago at a bar after she had lost her husband. I offered her a job and she'd been like a mother to me ever since.

"I've missed you too." I gave her a hug.

"Your guest is here.

"Ok thank you. I'm leaving in the morning. When I come back my girlfriend will be moving in. Her name is Lauren."

"I'm excited to meet her." Mrs. Walters gave me another small hug before leaving.

Miyah was already seated when I entered the dining area. She was sipping on a glass of wine when I entered but when she noticed me she smiled and stood. She embraced me.

"Glad you could make it." I told her.

"How could I miss dinner with one of my dear friends? I seem to be over dressed though."

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