Chapter 5

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Michelle P.O.V.

A few minutes after Eva left I grabbed my car keys and headed in the direction of the coffee shop. I arrived in time to see her walk inside. I parked discreetly and watched the entrance of the coffee shop. My phone rang.

"Hey Mom." I answered.

"Hey baby how are you?"

"I'm fine, isn't it like 5 in the morning over there? Why are you up?"

"Well if I were home I'd be up by now so I'm wide awake. Are you and Eva alright?"

As if on cue the coffee shop door opened and Eva emerged... with Lauren.

"We're fine Mom, uh I just remembered I wanted to make her breakfast in bed. I should get started on it." I lied.

I watched Eva and Lauren walk to her car.

"Awe so charming." Mom gushed, "Just like your father was. Well you have a nice day I'll call later. Love you princess."

"I love you too mom." We hung up.

I let 3 cars get behind Laurens car before I started to follow her. I realized they were going to Laurens house and I took a short cut and parked at the park down the street from her where I could have clear view of her house. A few minutes later they pulled into the driveway and went into her house.

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. A million thoughts ran through my head. What were Lauren and Eva doing together? Why didn't she tell me they were meeting up? And why did they go to her house instead of staying in the coffee shop?

My brow furrowed and I felt myself getting angry. She lied to me.

I jumped out of my car and stormed into the park. What do I do? Do I bang on the door and demand to know whats going on? Or do I wait for her at my house and confront her? Or do I say nothing, she'll wonder why I followed her and think I dont trust her... Should I even trust her?

I yanked some leaves off of a low hanging branch and rip them up. A little boy gave me a funny look and ran off. I huff and walk further into the park. I need to calm down. I thought. One lap around the trail. That always helps me think. Yes one lap, then I'm going to get answers.

Lauren P.O.V

Eva sat nervously on my bed fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She was something to look at, those big pretty eyes and all that hair. She cleared her throat,


"So, what do you want to know?" I sat down beside her.

"I don't know," she sighed "I'm good at kissing and handing the boobs. But I won't know what to do when its about going down there."

Her accent made her sound so innocent.

"Wait you've never had sex with a girl before?"

She blushes slightly and shakes her head,

"I'm a virgin."

"So that's why you've been holding out on Chelle?" I ask.

She nods again. I run my hand through my hair and pull it back into a ponytail.

I raise an eyebrow at her, "What exactly are you expecting me to do?"

She looked me dead in the eye,

"I want you to show me how to make love, with a girl."

I frown,

"I'm not having sex with you, you're my bestfriends girlfriend. Who the hell does shit like that?"

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