Escaping to a new Adventure

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(y/n) pov: 

I was on tour with my mom in her company. It was kind of interesting to see her place. I never knew there were so many things here. I kept walking with my mother. We passed by a few more rooms. Then I noticed a room named Mr. Corvinus.

(m/n): this is my boss's room. I have to talk to him for a bit. You could meet him since he knows you are here. Let's meet him. 

She was about to turn the handle, but the door opened up. Then, I realized it wasn't even fully closed. 

(m/n): I guess he forgot to close the door

(y/n): should we go inside and maybe wait?

(m/n): there are a few chairs in there. I suppose we can wait for a bit. 

We went inside the office. It seems like a normal office of a CEO would look like. There were a few shelves with multiple things. Some of them seemed a bit weird. 

(y/n): some of this stuff is weird. Is he weird?

(m/n): well... has been acting a little weird now that you mention it. 

I looked a bit more and saw a few folders on his desk. I noticed one of them had mom's name on it. 

(y/n): that paper has your name

(m/n): maybe... I could take a little look but not much. I know you well enough not to fall for any of your tricks. 

She went over there. I kept looking then I saw something interesting. I saw a red watch. 

It looked cool

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It looked cool. I decided to ask mom about it. Then I saw my mom still and looked shocked. I had never seen her like this since dad's death. I know something is wrong.

(y/n): what's wrong, mother? You look shocked, like when dad died. 

She was silent till she spoke.

(m/n): I need to get you out of here

(y/n): what?

(m/n): let's go now. My boss is not sane with his project.

I looked at the watch again. My mom got the files on the desk. I decided to take the watch. I know I shouldn't do it, but if that man is crazy, he doesn't deserve it. We started speed walking, and I was scared of what was happening.

(m/n): where did you get that watch?

(y/n): I uh...

(m/n): I'm glad you got that watch. He can't use it.

(y/n): why a watch?

(m/n): he...

Then an alarm went off. Red lights were flashing everywhere. I ran with mom till I bumped into the wall. It made me press a button on the watch. Then the watch started to glow red. Suddenly, a red portal started to form in Infront of me. It started to suck me in. I was scared and tried to run, but it was getting too strong.

(y/n): MOM, HELP ME!

She grabbed onto my hands.


(y/n): I bumped into the wall and accidentally pressed a button on the watch

(m/n): whatever you do, listen to the watch. Because...

Then I lost my hold and was sucked into the portal.

(y/n): MOTHER!

(m/n): (y/n)!

I saw the portal closed, and I was in a red vortex. It felt very weird being in here. It felt like I was in here for a while. I finally saw an end to this vortex. It was bright. Then it started to look normal. I realized I was on some grass. I took a look at my surroundings.

 I took a look at my surroundings

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(y/n): curious

I looked at the portal I came out from. It closed in seconds. I looked at my watch. I saw a few things on it which were different from a bit ago. The time was 3:01 pm. The little changed and with its numbers. I saw numbers and letters next to said D:1 H:20 M:33 S:14. The numbers went down like a timer. The number on the watch's right side said C:8, and I didn't know what it meant. The two circles were different. The maps were very different, with the bottom also saying that I was in wonderland and the top in a forest.  

Watch: hello, wearer. You are the owner of the ITWP3 or Interdimensional Travel Watch Prototype 3.0.

(y/n): what the hell is going on?

Then it started to show something like a hologram sideshow. 

Watch: If you accidentally wear this or forget information about this, I will give you a summary. I you look at where it has the letter C then a number. The number is how many charges you have. Charges how many times you can travel to other dimensions. It will be random since there is an infinite amount of them. One of them will take you back to your own dimension and should only be gone for a few minutes from there. If you use it anymore after that, it may not take you back by the last charge, and you could never return home. You also would go to another dimension you have been to, so you be more used to it.

(y/n): well, this is... unexpected... But interesting too. 

Watch: the timer and little clock show how much time till you can use your next charge. You press the same button on the side to get to the next dimension. The clock is the time you are at. The maps will give you better knowledge of where you are in the dimension. A black button on the back of this could bring the previous wears to you and bring them back to where they originally were but cost charges. Before I go off for good, there is a warning you should know. If you do something not in your home dimension, like having sex, being turned into another creature, having a child in there, died, or anything related, you can no longer use the watch to travel and will never work again. That's all, and I hope you have a wonderful time using me.

It turned off. I was still shocked by what happened. I am going to try my best on what the watch told me what not to do. It can be interesting and fun, but I want to return to my mother.

(y/n): time to go for a walk in wonderland

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