Fate of All Dimensions

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(y/n) pov:

I came through. I found myself in a colorful dimension. There were just a bunch of colors.

Then I saw I was on a metal platform

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Then I saw I was on a metal platform. I recognized this at the bomb's platform. So, I turned to the bomb and... (b/n). He looks at me.

(b/n): I'm surprised you got here. Sorry, I had to kill your mother, but I looked into knowledge she shouldn't have learned.

(y/n): what is this universe?

(b/n): Before all, this was this one and had one history. This is the first. This place is random in everything, like color, creation, destruction, etc. Then came beings. It gave choices. One can create a universe where they made a choice; second, that didn't. That's the secret to all dimensions, you know. People and creatures choosing with what's in their world or and from other means creating infinite dimensions/universes, whatever people would like to call them. I can't imagine how exactly our world came to be, but I know this. Everything comes from here.

(y/n): why would you want to come here?

(b/n): beings are a cancer, cause chaos, and more. I chose to make the ultimate and only real decision, to cut out everything and give perfect balance.

(y/n): you are talking about...

(b/n): destroying everything and everyone from every dimension or whatever would come next. It's the only way. Some managed to destroy their own and sometimes can cause others to fall also. So, if this one is destroyed, all will go with it. It will start soon. Before I start the timer, I will tell you why you and others who used the watch came to the dimensions you went through. The main researcher for the watch years ago loved possessive lovers and yanderes, and it caused the wearers to go to places with those around. Unfortunately, that will all end.

Then I saw a screen of the bomb. It was a timer, and it was five minutes.

(y/n): you're beyond insane

(b/n): does it really matter? There are other versions of me you would find quite charming.

No one pov:

The two began to fight. They were throwing hands at each other. (y/n) wasn't too much of a fighter, and (b/n) actually had training. (b/n) was beating (y/n). (y/n) tried to use his crossbow and taser, but it didn't work much against (b/n) with his skills.

(b/n): you got them from other dimensions, didn't you?

(y/n): are you going to talk me to death?

(b/n): no. I'm thinking of beating you to death. It sounds much more fun than just shooting or talking.

Soon (y/n) was being choked. (b/n) smiled.

(b/n): it's useless. You can't beat me. If only you weren't alone.

That gave (y/n) an idea. He remembered the new feature of the watch. (y/n) clicked a button on the watch. Then in seconds, two portals opened up. One blue and one green. Then came two small males. One was a Neko, and the other was an Inu. They saw each other and (b/n) choking (y/n). They reacted by attacking (b/n). They managed to get him off of (y/n) and pushed him back to hit his head on the bomb. He was stunned for a bit.

Neko: where are we?

Inu: yeah

(y/n): I'm (y/n), and have you two been going into different dimensions?

They were shocked that he had guessed their biggest secrets.

Inu: how did you know?

(y/n): this watch

He pointed to the watch.

Neko: I thought I destroyed it

Inu: me too

(y/n): I think they kept putting it back together. That big thing is a bomb that can destroy a whole dimension. This place is the first dimension of all dimensions. If this is destroyed, everything in every dimension is also destroyed. This man made it and just killed my mother. Also, the main researcher who first made this had a thing for yanderes and possessive lovers.

They were stunned a bit.

Neko: that's a lot to take in... that explains a lot of things.

Inu: agreed

Neko: I think we all are a bit similar. We are part human, from the same universe, and went to multiple dimensions.

(y/n): let's work together and save everyone and everything.

They put their hands together, and all agreed. (b/n) got up and realized what had happened.

(b/n): clever fox. Getting the previous wearers who also broke the watch before to work together. It doesn't matter; I can still kill you all. Say goodbye, you filthy half-raccoons.

Inu: did he call us RACCOONS! GET HIM!

(b/n) started shooting them, but (y/n) used his shield. The three of them worked together like they were already a team. They each used their animal features, like claws and bite, to help. (y/n) used his items more, and it became more effective with others helping them. They were beating (b/n) pretty well. They also noticed the bomb getting close to finishing the countdown.

(y/n): keep him busy; I need to figure out how to get rid of this bomb

(y/n) ran over to the screen but didn't know how to stop it. However, there was another where he could make the bomb go to another dimension. It somehow connected the watch to the dimensions it had been to.

(y/n): I can't stop the timer, but I can make it go to a dimension that the watch has been too


(y/n) looked through the screen and found which one he meant. (b/n) got away from the two and ran towards (y/n).


(y/n) turned around and tazed (b/n) in the neck. It caused an opening, and the trio kept punching and scratching him. Then (y/n) used his crossbow, shot him in the hand, and got stuck to the machine's metal. (b/n) was on the ground bleeding, beaten, and his hand pierced through while sucked into the metal cover of the bomb.

(y/n): time to get back to where we all came from. Have any advice or anything else?

Neko: keep moving forward and accept those who love you. Sorry about your mother.

Inu: I know what it's like to lose someone when got back home

Neko: me too, and one more thing

(y/n): what?


(y/n): got it but first

(y/n) clicked the screen of the dimensions. It started to work. (y/n) used the watch and made three portals: blue, green, and red. They were going to each one that's theirs, but (y/n) looked at (b/n) first, who was still on the ground.

(y/n): you said say goodbye... Sayanora.

Then the three went through the portals and closed up. The bomb went to the dimension the Inu went to that's dark with no creatures. (b/n) got up and saw a few seconds left on the timer. He could stop it, but it was out of charges. It wasn't meant to keep going. (b/n) knew he would die out here anyway and let the bomb go off and said.

(b/n): it doesn't matter

The bomb went off and took (b/n) and that dimension with it saving all others thanks to (y/n) with help from the previous users of the watch.

Dimensional Yanderes 3 (Yandere Girls x Male Kitsune reader)Where stories live. Discover now