Castle of the Undead Part 1

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(y/n) pov:

I found a path up to the castle. It was cold as I was walking there. I got to the front of the door. I knocked on it. I heard nothing but my own knocks. I was wondering if there was anyone here. Then I thought this place looked abandoned.

(y/n): why did I even do that? There is probably no one here.

I felt stupid until the door opened. They seem to have opened by themselves. I came in, and it was dark. I saw that no one had opened the doors. Then I saw a candle stick. I grabbed it, and it somehow lit by itself.

(y/n): okay then...

Then I heard laughter. It sounded like it was from different girls and in a dark way. Then the doors closed behind me.

(y/n): I guess I'm stuck here for a little while. At least it's less than twenty-four hours.

No one pov:

(y/n) is now stuck in a haunted castle full of something that made those Laughters which he will find out soon enough. He wandered the castle, hoping the laughter was part of his imagination. He saw many doors on his walk. He heard some noise in one of them. He opened the door. He saw it was some playroom. Then he saw a girl, but she was not alive. It was a zombie girl.

Once she saw (y/n), she was in awe of him

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Once she saw (y/n), she was in awe of him. Then she said.

Anna: Anna... want... play...

(y/n) thought of what would happen if not.

(y/n): I'm (y/n), and I guess I can play for a bit

Anna smiled. They began to play with dolls. It was somewhat boring for (y/n) because he wasn't into dolls, and some looked creepy. Nevertheless, he played for over half an hour. After that, he thought maybe of leaving.

(y/n): I should get going

Anna then grabbed his arm with lust in her eyes.

Anna: mine... husband... hungry

She tried to bite (y/n). (y/n) got out of her grip and ran. Anna was slow, so it was easy for (y/n) to get away. He decided to go to a hallway out of stone. It took him to a new room. It was full of old artifacts, treasures, and other things like that.

(y/n): This is interesting

Then he heard some moan. He used his candle stick and saw a mummy.

 He used his candle stick and saw a mummy

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(y/n) got scared from her wraps and arms.

Millie: hello, I'm Mille

(y/n): (y/n)

Mille: what is a little fox like you doing in this castle?

(y/n): I wanted a bit of shelter. I met Anna.

Millie: there are multiple girls in this castle. We are all good friends, and we are like sisters.

(y/n): well, I'm going to get going now

He was walking away. Millie had a lustful smile similar to Anna's.

Millie: all of the girls here want a cute handsome husband. All of the guys we wanted always ran away, never came here, or died in a way we can't bring them back. I'm not going to lose my chance. So, come to mommy.

(y/n) ran like hell through the room to another hallway. Then he was wrapped by Millie's arms and wrappings. He was being dragged to her. Then (y/n) put the candle close to her wrappings. She got scared and let go of (y/n). He ran again and went in many different directions, which worked mostly.

(y/n): ha... I think I lost her, but I'm lost. I don't know much about this castle anyway.

He went around some more. He apparently found a big room. It was an armory. It was full of swords, shields, armor, and other things many people would find in an armory. (y/n) He looked at the weapons briefly and saw a figure in the corner.

(y/n): hello?

Then he saw the figure. The figure looked humanoid until it looked like it literally took its head off. Then they came into the light. (y/n) saw a headless armored woman with a spirit coming from the body.

The spirit and head looked pretty lustful towards (y/n)

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The spirit and head looked pretty lustful towards (y/n). It took (y/n) a lot of courage to say this.

(y/n): I'm (y/n), and ahh... I don't want any trouble.

Dahlia: I'm Dahlia, and I don't want trouble either. I want a cute husband like you that I will make into a Dullan like me.

She got her axe ready.

Dahlia: so... hold still...

(y/n): oh shit

(y/n) ran while being chased by Dahlia. (y/n) kept ducking from her axe. She kept hitting other weapons. Then (y/n) stepped on loose ground. Then he fell.

(y/n): AAAHHHH!

He fell for a while till he landed on some hay. Then found himself in an empty open jail cell.

(y/n): this must be the dungeon


(y/n) found a hole in the wall that looked like a tunnel he could crawl through. He found some rags in the cell. He decided to rest for the night in that tunnel. He used some hay to cover the entrance to stay hidden. Then he said before he went to sleep.

(y/n): go ahead. Do your worst.

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