Savannah Part 1

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(y/n) pov:

I am currently in the savannah of this new dimension. I wasn't sure of what to expect, but I kept going to random dimensions. So, I should expect the unexpected because you never know what could be next. It was kind of hot out here, but this world seems to be better than the last one. I almost died in the last one by a bunch of demons...

(y/n): wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!

I just realized this is Africa, and it's full of wild and dangerous animals. I was now more aware of what creatures could be around. I know I just thought about expecting the unexpected, but I can't be too careful in any world just to be sure. So, I decided to keep moving. I am not too worried because my senses are better than humans usually. Then I soon walked up a hill. Then I saw animals...

(y/n): hybrids? Animal hybrids?

They weren't exactly animals but hybrids of animals and humans. I am one too, but only minor fox features. However, they are pretty much half human, half animal, or at least or more animal. I wasn't sure if I should approach any of them or not. I decided it would be safer if I went somewhere else.

???: hello, there

I turned around. I saw it was a woman and part zebra.

I was a bit scared a first and jumped a bit

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I was a bit scared a first and jumped a bit.

Zoey: oh, sorry that I scared you. I'm Zoey. What's your name, and what are you?

(y/n): I'm (y/n) and I'm a Kitsune. I was passing by.

Zoey: you look a little weird but also handsome

(y/n): thanks, and maybe I should get going. I need to find somewhere to stay for around two days.

Zoey: so soon? How about you come with me? I'm sure my friends would think your handsome also and we might not mind you staying around.

I thought about it for a bit. So far, nothing bad has happened whenever I go with a woman for shelter or protection. I'm still scared of what can happen to me if I don't have protection. It looks like I have to roll the dice and go with her.

(y/n): okay, I will come with you

Zoey looked happy.

Zoey: let's get going, then. Hop on my back.

(y/n): uhh, what?

She made me get on her back. She said it was faster this way. She was taller than me and seemed a bit stronger. She held me, and we went off. I looked around and saw the real beauty of this place. I like the plants, sky, and other stuff like that.

(y/n) in mind: I wouldn't mind living in a place like this in the future. As long as I am not in much danger.

Soon Zoey slowed down, and we were close to a group of trees. I got off of her.

Zoey: hey girls, I brought us a cutie

I soon saw a bunch of different animal girls. I also noticed they were all herbivore girls also.

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Zoey: (y/n), this is Rebecca, Elly, Gana, and Gizel

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Zoey: (y/n), this is Rebecca, Elly, Gana, and Gizel. Girls, this is (y/n) the Kitsune.

They gave me a bunch of happy and curious faces. Then, they started calling me cute and handsome. I'm not sure why cute. Maybe it's because I'm shorter than all of them. I'm somehow getting used to being with a bunch of different girls.

(y/n) in mind: well, I wonder how it will be this time

No one pov:

The girls agreed to keep (y/n) around. They did things like getting fruit, lying in the sun, and talking. They like to tease (y/n) a lot. Some of them like to show off their strength and skills, like lifting or carrying (y/n). Soon it became night. The girls loved (y/n) already and didn't want to let him go. However, someone was spying on them and saw (y/n).

??? in mind: what an interesting and cute thing. Tomorrow, he will come with my friends and me.

Dimensional Yanderes 3 (Yandere Girls x Male Kitsune reader)Where stories live. Discover now