The Pup pt. 3

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Jin could tell he was being moved but he felt so out of sorts that he couldn't figure out what was happening. He was moved to a large, luxurious room at Tae's mansion. And placed on the soft, pillow top king size bed.

When he woke up the next morning he wasn't really surprised. He had remembered that he was fighting a losing battle against moving to Tae's place. But what did surprise him was when he felt his baby moving. He had moved to get comfortable and felt movement, which scared him. He placed his hands on his belly and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a tiny hand touching him back.

"Jin? What is it? Is it the baby? Should I call the doctor?" Jimin asks as he jumps on the bed.

Jin turns to look at him, relieved to see him there. He then tells him, "I don't think it's anything bad. I was just freaked out a little when I felt his hand. He is really growing at a fast rate. I'm scared Jimin.. what if he grows too big for my body? And he climbs out of me like the Alien baby? Oh! My beautiful body.."

Jimin starts laughing and says, "You need to quit watching those movies. You know you can't handle them. But let me call for the doctor so he can check on you."

"Ok, I'm starving too. Maybe they can send me some toast." He yells out as Jimin walks away.

Jin then feels the need to pee, so he gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. He then stands in front of the mirror and splashes water on his face.

While he's in the bathroom, Taehyung enters the room and as he walks around the room, he sniffs the air. He smiles and thinks to himself, 'My pup is growing fast.'

When Jin walks out of the bathroom, he is startled to find Taehyung standing right by the door.

"Yah! Why are you scaring the crap out of people? Do you understand that I am pregnant and I shouldn't be frightened so suddenly?" Jin yells.

He then walks around him and climbs back into bed. He still doesn't like the fact that he was brought to this beautiful home against his wishes. Though he is very comfortable. He leans against the headboard and interlocks his fingers on his lap.

Tae chuckles to himself and finds him amusing. He turns to face Jin and says, "I see you are adjusting well to your new surroundings. I'm glad.. because as my pup's um.. incubator, I want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"Excuse me.. but did you really just refer to me as an incubator?"

"Well, how would you like to be referred to?"

"Um.. hello? I'm his Appa obviously."

Tae shakes his head and says, "No.. I'm his Appa."

"Look, let's not start another argument. I'm the one who is growing him in my belly so I am his Appa. You can be abeonim or abeoji. Ok?"

"Fine.. I'll let you have this one. Sigh.. are you going to fight me on everything?" Tae asks.

"I'm just making sure I'm not getting taken advantage of. I know how you rich people work."

Tae doesn't say anything more. He just stares at him. An unusual look flashes across his face and he asks Jin, "Our pup is hungry. I will call down to the kitchen and have them prepare something for you."

"How.. what? What makes you say that? Are you a witch?"

"No.. I can hear him. Well.. not in words. But he's communicating what he wants to me. You can't hear him?"

"N-no.. I can't." He replies sadly. He caresses his baby bump and then looks away from Tae.

Tae doesn't know what to say so he just walks away and out of the room.

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