Ageless Love

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(This is yet another age gap story. Probably my 4th or 5th so far. Y'all can skip it if they are not to your liking.)

"Wow, I can't believe that you have a baby! How is that possible?! We're not even 16 yet!" Taehyung tells his friend Jungkook.

They are in Jungkook's room and Tae is in shock seeing him with his son.

"Fuck man, I don't know. I only slept with her once."

"That's all it takes pabo." Tae chuckles.

Jungkook is struggling with his newborn son. He explains to his best friend what happened and why he's now a single parent to his son.

He came home from school the day before and found a girl waiting for him at home.

She was sitting in the living room with both his parents and carrying a baby in arms.

He barely recognized her as he only dated her a handful of times. He does remember sleeping with her.

"What's going on?" He asked warily.

His mother wore a disappointed look on her face. His father looked angry. The girl was in tears as she tried to calm her baby down.

"How could you be so foolish Jungkook?! A baby! At your age!" His mother yells.

"What? What do you mean? What the hell is happening?"

His father stands up and hits him with his newspaper.

"She's saying that you got her pregnant. And when she tried to tell you about it, you blocked her. Now she's here because she's leaving town. She said she wants you to take care of your son, otherwise she will leave him at an orphanage."

Jungkook felt the air sucked out of his lungs. The room started spinning and he stumbled back.

"I don't.. I don't understand."

Just then the girl rushes towards him and shoves the baby in his arms. With tears in her eyes she says, "I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with him anymore. I am only 15 years old. My parents are sending me out of the country. It's up to you to raise him now."

Before either of them could say anything, she runs out of the house. Jungkook then looks down at the adorable baby boy in his arms. He had been crying but he's now looking at him with big eyes.

Jungkook then looks at his mother and says, "What do I do?"

She stands up and walks towards him. "Listen to me carefully. This is your son and you are going to have to be responsible for him. Don't worry, we are lucky enough to be financially secure to help you. But you will be the one to raise him."

"But eomma, I don't know how. I'm not even sure he's my son. How am I supposed to raise a baby?"

"You will find a way. Don't forget, you are a Jeon. And you will do your best. But for now, we need to go shopping for all the things that he'll need. Clothes, diapers, and formula."


"I'm sorry, but I just can't believe this happened. Are you sure you're his father?" Tae asks.

He reaches his index finger in front of the baby, who then grabs it and tries to suck on it. Tae chuckles and says, "He is a cute little guy."

"My father has already ordered DNA samples from both of us. But my eomma is convinced he's mine."

"Wow.. so what are you going to do if it turns out he is yours? What about school? Dating? All the fun you'll be missing."

Jungkook sighs and looks down at the baby. Huge, beautiful eyes looking right back at him. And his heart grows. He smiles and says, "I will just have to do what's right and step up. Be a good father to my son and raise him the best as I can. My parents will help financially of course. So I'm lucky in that sense."

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