A TaeJin Love Story pt. 4

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This is the last chapter. It picks up where I left off but also serves as an Epilogue for this story. ☺️

Tae is standing outside the OR waiting to hear any news about his husband. The drive to the hospital was the most scared he's ever been. He prayed and prayed for him to be ok. God can't be cruel enough to take him from him too, can he?

Luckily Jin woke up and was somewhat lucid, though in terrible pain. Tae could only hold him against his chest to comfort him.

"Tae, have they said anything yet?" Yoongi asks. He had to go back to Seo-yeon and her son since they were without a car that day.

"Not yet.. it's killing me not knowing anything."

Seo-yeon walks towards her brother and wraps her arm around his shoulder. "Try not to panic. Don't go straight to the dark place right away. He's only been in there for a while. Calm down."

Tae turns to hug her tighter, needing the reassurance from his last family member besides his nephew. "I can't lose him Seo-yeon. I just can't. I don't know if I can survive another loss... I love him. And I've never told him."

She holds onto him as he tries to control his tears.

"Mr. Kim?" A nurse calls out.

Tae quickly turns to her and says, "Here! I'm here." He rushes towards her.

"Come with me. You will need to clean up and get a gown on. Your baby is ready to see the world."

He follows her so he can get ready and afterwards they walk into the OR. Tae sees Jin on the table crying in pain. When he gets to his side, Jin grabs his hand and squeezes it tight. Tae looks at the doctor who is delivering the baby.

"Oh the father is here now. Wonderful! See Mr. Kim, your knight in shining armor is here. You can be at ease and help welcome your baby." The doctor tells them.

Jin looks up into Tae's eyes and says, "Thank you for being here. I was really scared.. do you think the baby will be ok?"

Tae replies, "Try not to worry. The doctor is doing everything he can. I'm going to be here for you the entire time. Ok."

Jin cries out when another contraction occurs and Tae nearly buckles when Jin squeezes his hand way too tight.

Outside the OR, Seo-yeon and Yoongi are waiting for any word on Jin's condition.

After an hour, Yoongi goes to get them some coffee and a chocolate milk for Hyun-so.

"It's taking forever don't you think?" He asks her.

She scoffs and says, "Giving birth is hell on earth. Some people can easily pop their kids out in less than an hour. Then there's those who can spend hours upon hours in labor. Those poor souls. I just hope Jin and the baby are okay."

"Does he know what he's having?"

"He didn't want to know. So they'll both find out together."


"Just one more push Seokjin-ah. You can do it." The doctor tells him.

Jin squeezes his eyes tight and takes a deep breath before giving another push.

A few seconds later they hear the cries of a baby. The doctor hands the baby to a nurse to clean and the doctor tells Jin and Tae, "Congratulations! You are now the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl."

Jin lets out a cry and looks up at Tae, who is smiling brightly. Tae then leans down to kiss him and says, "We have a daughter, sweetheart."

Jin chuckles and nods. The nurse soon comes to hand the baby to Jin who places her on his chest. He's overwhelmed with emotions and cries which causes her to cry.

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