The Kissing Booth pt. 2

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They all sat down and Jungkook's mother asked him, "Ok, explain to us what you saw."

Jungkook was still sobbing but his demeanor quickly changed to anger when he began to explain what happened.

"I walked over to Jin's house and I knocked on the door then just walked in. Like I always do. Then I saw Jin's father with his hand on his throat and punching him over and over. When his mother tried to help he backhanded slapped her and she fell into the wall cabinet. So I ran over to help and I pushed his father with all my might and he fell to the ground.

His father quickly got up and was coming towards me but Jin grabbed his foot and he tripped. Jin then yelled at me to run so I did. I came home and told eomma to call the police. But I think once Jin tripped him, his father must've really gotten angry and hurt him some more."

He then cries again.

Tae gulps as he takes all the news in. He then looks at his aunt and says, "We should go to the hospital to see how they are. They're going to need all the help they can get."

She nods and says, "I agree. Let me change and grab my things. Kookie, sweetheart.. why don't you stay here with your father while we go..."

"No way! I'm going too. I want to see for myself that Jin's ok."

She sighs and says, "Ok.. but go change your shirt. Then we'll go."

He quickly runs to his room and pretty soon they're on their way to the hospital.

When they arrive they see another of their neighbors talking to a nurse. When the nurse walks away the neighbor turns and spots them. She walks over to them looking defeated.

"I'm so glad you're here. I just spoke with the nurse and she said that Mr. Kim is gone. He suffered a massive heart attack and keeled over. Jin-ah is awake now and is being moved to recovery. He has several injuries but she didn't go into detail. I don't know how his mother is doing. She said she will let me know when she gets news."

Jungkook's mother is still reeling from the news that Jin's father died. She looks down at her son and he asks her, "Do you think Jin will be ok?"

She shakes her head and says, "I don't know sweetheart. But we will pray with all our might that he and his mother will be just fine. He will need her after this."

Tae is worried about Jin and keeps muttering quietly, "Please be ok.. please be ok.. please be ok."

They settle down to wait for more news and a couple of hours later the doctor comes out to speak with them.

"How are they doctor?"

"We've stabilized Mrs. Kim. She hit her head pretty hard on something and she was in and out of consciousness. She had slight bleeding in the brain but it wasn't bad enough for surgery. So we treated it with corticosteroids to control the swelling and anticonvulsants to prevent any seizures. She'll remain under observation for a few days. Right now she is in her recovery room and will be able to see visitors tomorrow morning.

As for her son, he has several bruises and facial injuries. He was beaten pretty bad. He has a sprained wrist and bruising on both legs. I'm guessing from kicks he received by the abuser. But, he will be fine. Physically after a while. I don't know how he'll be mentally. You might want to keep an eye on him for a while. He's currently in a recovery room but I think he'll be ok to go home tomorrow.

Do you know if he has any family that can look after him while his mother recovers? We can't let him go to an empty house."

"I will take him in. He lives right next door to us and he has been a part of our family for years. If anyone should look after him it's us. I take full responsibility for him."

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