The Babysitter's Seduction

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(This story is not scientific or medically correct in any way. I based it on several different movies I've watched throughout the years. So it's just for the drama. I post these for whoever reads and feels the need to correct my errors. I'm not a doctor or claim to be.)

Kim Taehyung sat in a rocking chair bottle feeding his daughter in her nursery. He has a large towel covering his chest since his daughter sometimes spits up after feeding.

He is currently on paternal leave and has been the sole caregiver of his daughter since birth. His wife is unfortunately suffering from severe postpartum depression and sleeps most of the day. And when she is awake she has mood swings. And doesn't want to spend any time with their baby.

He doesn't blame her and knows she needs help. But she stubbornly refuses. And he avoids any conflict with her at all costs. But this arrangement will only last as long as he's on leave. Once it's over, he will have return to work.

He spoke with his cousin Namjoon about his problem and he advised him to hire a live in babysitter to help. One who could be trusted to take care of his daughter while his wife recovers. Tae thought about it and decided it would be best to do that. Just until his wife begins to feel better.

So he places an ad online and in the local newspaper. He lives in an affluent neighborhood so he has had dozens of people call to be interviewed.

He wants someone that his baby will feel at ease with. But none of the people he's interviewed have clicked with his daughter, nor himself.


Across town, Kim Seokjin had been relaxing at his parents house when he saw the ad in the local newspaper. He decides to call and apply for the job. He speaks with Tae who soon schedules an interview with him.

When he arrives at Tae's he rings the doorbell and Tae opens the door.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kim, I am Kim Seokjin. I called about the babysitting job."

Tae was flabbergasted when he first saw him. He never imagined that he would be as handsome as he was. And he was temporarily struck mute.

"Hello? Sir? Um, am I at the right place?" Seokjin looks around.

Tae regains his composure and says, "Uh, yes. This is the right place. I am Kim Taehyung. Please come inside."

They walk towards Tae's private home office to begin the interview.

"Now I understand that you have just graduated from college. Is that right?"

"Yes sir, just three months ago." Jin replies.

"And what made you decide to apply for this position? I mean, I figured a newly graduated student would be looking for a job somewhere else."

"I just wanted to take a year off before I dedicate the rest of my life to the same boring job. And I noticed your ad mentioned the job would be temporary. So I figured why not? And I love kids.. I have 6 nieces and 3 nephews from my brother and sister. Not together I mean.." Jin giggles. "They're married to other people. I don't want you to think they're bumpkins."

Taehyung laughs and says, "No, I kinda figured what you meant."

Jin laughs along with him and continues, "Yeah, so I babysit for them alot. I think I'm really good with kids. They seem to love me for some reason."

Tae then explains the job details, "Ok, well I am looking for someone who can provide live-in care here. My ad didn't mention it but the reason I am in need of a live-in babysitter is because my wife is suffering from postpartum depression. And she's currently unable to properly care for our daughter."

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