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(This will be a very, very short story. Way shorter than usual. I got the idea from a TikTok video I saw.)

Jin and his best friend Jimin are walking into work both sipping on their coffee. Sharing the latest gossip. They have worked at their current job for almost two years.

They are your typical happy young men who enjoy going out with their boyfriends and living their lives to their fullest. They both like their jobs but hope to get promoted to the top floor one day. That's where the big money is made.

As they enter the elevator, one of Jin's coworkers enters behind them. She is very attractive and is known to have the best looking boyfriend. He's visited her on occasion to bring her lunch. When she sees him, she barely acknowledges him with a half smile before turning her back to them. She usually just says 'Good morning' or what have you despite them being desk mates. But he's noticed she's been acting a bit stand-offish lately.

Jimin raises his eyebrow at her and then rolls his eyes in an exaggerated manner.

When they get to Jimin's floor he tells Jin, "I'll meet you at break time.'' And then walks out.

Jin and his coworker continue to the next floor and both exit when the doors open. They both hang their heavy coats on the coat rack and she walks towards the break room and he goes to his desk. They sit almost side by side but he is closer to his other coworker who sits opposite of him. His name is Hoseok but Jin calls him Hobi.

"Good morning Jin! What'd you end up doing last night?"

"Morning Hobes, I had planned to go out to eat with Jungkook but he canceled at the last minute. Saying he had to work late. So Jimin came over and we watched 'Interview with a Vampire'. You know I love me some Brad Pitt."

"Again?! Damn.. how many times are you going to watch that movie? You know they even made a new series that is supposed to be closer to the book version. You should expand your horizons." Hobi teases.

"Nah, I will stick with the classic. I have the entire thing memorized already. And whenever I hear 'Moonlight Sonata' I immediately think of Lestat. What did you do?"

"I stayed home and tried to catch up on my drama. I figured I could go out on the weekend." Hobi stops talking when he sees the same young woman from the elevator go to her desk.

She looks over at them and nods her head to greet them and they return the gesture. She then begins to work while Jin and Hobi continue their conversation quietly as they too begin working.

Throughout the morning Jin and Jimin text each other. Mostly venting their frustrations about their coworkers and spilling the tea. Then when it's almost lunchtime Jimin tells him he will meet him at his desk so they can go get lunch. Jin begins getting ready and ask Hobi if he wants to join them for lunch. He tells him yes and also starts gathering his things to go out.

They are suddenly drawn to someone walking towards their coworker from the elevator. Jin instantly drools when he sees him. He just thinks he's the most attractive guy he's ever seen in real life. He doesn't seem very happy at the moment but he still looks fine.

"Hae yi, where the fuck were you last night? I waited for you for hours and didn't return my calls. You just sent me a quick text telling me you arrived at home and fell asleep? That's bullshit and you know it. Tell me the truth!"

"Babe, what are you talking about? I worked late here and went straight home. I must've been tired and didn't hear your calls."

"Liar! I saw you! Don't fucking lie to me."

Jin turns to look at Hobi who is also being just as nosy. They can't keep their eyes off of what was happening. Jin even texted Jimin and told him what was happening. Jimin then quickly tells him he's on his way so he doesn't miss anything. A couple of minutes later they see Jimin walk through the door and he quietly makes his way towards Jin's desk. But obviously staring at the drama unfolding before their eyes.

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