A TaeJin Love Story pt. 2

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When Jin went to go lay down, Tae went outside to speak to his most trusted friend, Min Yoongi. Who was in charge of running the day to day operations of the farm. Tae had a talk with him recently regarding his marriage to Jin, who is pregnant by someone else.

He told him that their preacher had come to him to discuss a very serious proposition. It didn't take much convincing for Tae to agree to marry a stranger, sight unseen.

But he knew Yoongi would have different ideas about his marriage. Regardless, he supported his decision.

Tae walked into the barn where they kept the tractors and other equipment. He finds Yoongi working in the small office at the back of the building.

"Hey, how's everything going?"

Yoongi looks up then returns to what he was doing. "It's the same as it was this morning when you left. You know if there was any problems I would have called you by now."

"I know.. I just.. nevermind."

Yoongi chuckles to himself and says, "What's wrong? Is your new husband a hideous beast or something? And you came to hide out from him?"

Tae can't help but laugh at how obviously wrong his perception of his new husband is.

"If you had seen him, you would not be saying that. But no.. I'm not hiding out from him. He was just tired and went to take a nap. I didn't want to disturb him."

"So you are sharing your room after all?"

"N-no.. I gave him the option to choose. My bedroom or the room across the hall. He chose the latter. I guess he was uncomfortable sharing my room so soon."

"Yeah, I bet. I still can't believe that you actually agreed to marry him. Someone you have never met or seen before in your entire life."

"I don't see a problem with it. He needed someone to step up and help raise his child. You know how cruel the world can be. Even in this day and age. And I miss having a family."

Yoongi looks up at him, and gives him a halfhearted smile.

"I know you do. I just hope that you don't come to regret your decision. Not everyone is as kind as you are. You have alot of assets now and you married him without a prenup. I hope you are careful, that's all."

"I will be. I'm not a complete idiot you know. And.. I have a good feeling about him. He's just in a bad place right now. I will be patient with him, maybe he'll see I'm just trying to help him."

"Yeah, I hope you're right."

They chat a bit longer then Tae says, "I'm gonna head back. I will see you in the morning. Ok."

Tae then turns and walks back towards his house. The sun is already setting and the lights start to turn on around the property. He sits in his den to look over some paperwork and when he sees it's a little past 10pm, he heads to his room. He stops right outside and looks towards the room Jin is sleeping in. He walks over and listens at the door but doesn't hear anything. So he goes into his room and turns in for the night.

A couple of hours later, Jin wakes up suddenly and has to use the bathroom. When he returns to the bed, he suddenly feels hungry. He then remembers that Tae had mentioned some leftovers.

He doesn't feel comfortable enough to go wandering around his new house. But his hunger overpowers any uneasiness.

He makes his way to the kitchen and digs around in the fridge. He finds the leftovers and sets them on the table. Then serves himself a little bit of everything and heats it up in the microwave. Once it was ready he sat down and began to eat.

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