After Death meeting

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Meanwhile in the afterlife... 2023

Nat sat forlorn on a rock, it looked like Vormir all over again, just without the people, without Clint. Suddenly she heard footsteps, quite the contrast to the quirt they sounded polished "Agent Romanoff, you miss me?" Tony?, you're here too but? she questioned sitting up straighter as the figure approached. "Its ok" he said as he sat on the rock beside her showing none of his age- "we can rest now" he seemed spritely now but being dead weren't they technically all spirits anyway. the question she wanted to know needed the answer too died on her lips. At Tony's unwavering gaze the words took shape "We Won?" Tony looked at her pride in his eyes like a father would his answering reply was all Nat realised she needed to accept herself "We won, thanks to you"


Tony, by a bar, was relaxing, there's a phrase he didn't think he'd ever say. Tony had had a whole life to relax but had never really gotten the hang of that well now that he was dead he did have.. forever to try. Heaven had changed after his arrival. From the eerie surroundings of Vormir to like another earth on clouds (and steroids) everyone he has ever known - and those he didn't had greeted him as a hero in the last short years? time was not tracked here. God was a cool person when he had stopped shaking his hand and asking for an autograph! (Tony was still not over that but if anyone had asked he was composed-had been composed signing his name). Anyway, having people pop up in a cloud of smoke was commonplace here so when another cloud of smoke began to form he didn't even turn his head just tuned back into the conversation Natasha was having with John Lennon beside him. When Lennon's draw dropped open and Natasha's eyes became watery was when he decided he should probably check who the new dead was.

"Hey Tony.. now I know I didn't apologise properly and I still stand by what I did but I really didn't mean to hurt you and you probably hate me now cos im stuck with you here for I don't know how long actually where is here and what are you-"

Tony was hugging him? Tony Stark was hugging him, Steve Rogers? Steve guessed this was a dream and maybe he was not as dead as he thought yet?

Yes, Tony was as surprised as Steve that he was currently hugging. Tony Stark did not do hugs but here they were. When all was dead and done Tony had missed the annoyingly optimistic law bucky breaking, Peggy loving, capsickle. As they broke apart, Natasha could barely get in otherwise as Tony gave Steve a guided tour of what was now undoubtedly heaven while shooing off Steves further apology. And as they argued about Steve inciting Tony accept the apology and Tony insisting Steve he couldn't Natasha smirked - boys! they were exactly the same as alive then dead.

2 Years Later...

"May what are you doing here? who's watching the kid?" May's only response was to collapse into Tony's shoulder tears glistening in her eyes the unspoken truth of how life has gone, will go for Peter now dying in her throat.

2 Years 6 months

LOKI? WHAT THE HELL! was Steves shrill shout "Do they let anyone into heaven now?" was Natasha's more agitated question. "Reindeer games you made it!" - I don't need to explain who that is do I. Loki had taken his time into making heaven after being sent to hell and the devil laughing in his face when Loki insisted he was in the right place- for eternal damnation- and immediately conferencing a call with God to get him removed. Yep turns out inter dead level travel takes time who knew! Anyway, before a fight broke out. God had to intervene.

"RIGHT HEAVEN GOERS" he boomed (god only ever booms) "He who is innocent of sin may throw the first punch!" that stopped people. Old proverbs- works every time. Then he directed them all to a cinema _one very VERY large VUE cinema_ to watch all of Lokis life including the torture and forced invasion of earth followed by his "heroic" and "noble" sacrifice. No-one gave Loki any grief after that. Loki liked eternal peace..even if Stark refused to drop the nicknames.

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