To tell the Truth

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The Avengers awoke to Thick chains around their arms and legs tying them to the chairs in a curving line it was dark and cold and damp no-one could remember how they'd got their or where their was a door create dooem from somewhere behind them and heavy footsteps they were greeted by a man in a lab coat "I am the scientist" "crap name!" "Language" Steve whispered so low only Bucky could hear who desperately tried to hide his smile

...So any of you scared?
Steve: No
Natasha: never
Clint: not really
Bucky: done this before
Tony: used to it
"you say that now, but you'll be singing a different tune tomorrow" said the scientist
Tony being well Tony, exasperated, cries out in a bored tone "yes we get it already just start the torture"
The avengers sighed, of course Tony of ALL people would endite their captors to hurt them but they were all used to it and none of them surprised so waited for it to come
"Torture?,no no no no no Torture? we do not do that" Bucky shifted slightly that's what hydra had said
"what do you call it then" Tony sighed monotone
"we don't call it anything because we do not do it! there will be no torturing of any sort we refrain from it although.. we will be asking you some simple questions" the scientist smiled sickly
It dawned on the avengers simultaneously
"yes interrogation if you call it that no Torture though just simple questions that I will ask you ......"
The avengers held their breaths
"...tomorrow good night!"
The avengers shocked into silence
WAIT WHAT?" Tony and Clint said together
"I will ask you tomorrow good night!"
So that's it?"
"you're just leaving us here until tomorrow?
"food and water" Bruce hesitantly asked expecting a long echoing laugh from 'scientist'
"I'd forgotten about that I'll bring you some shortly" the avengers were once again confused and stunned
" really Because from my experience kidnappings don't normally work like this" Clint piped up Natasha nodding afterwards
"yes you see this will be different from what you're 'used' to good night"
The Avengers Were once again encased in darkness " so what do we do now..."
" truth or dare? "SHUT UP CLINT!" Everyone shouted "why don't we escape?" Natasha said in the tone which was only ever reserved for talking to a 3 year old "no shit Sherlock!" Bucky bantered back everyone's gaze snapped to Steve "what?" The blonde said confused "I didn't think you liked that kind of language Steve" "y know what stark! I *yawn*" Steve's face flushed red "sorry I *yawn*" "Steve? You o *yawn*" it was Buckys turn to flush red
Tony yawned and that set off Clint Bruce and Natasha "is anyone else feeling sleepy?" Clint asked half dazed "Clint you are al..always..sleepy.. Natasha trailed off obviously tired "Sleeping gas" Steve and Bucky muttered fighting to keep their eyes open who knows what would happen when they fell unconscious "keep..eyes..op*yawn*en" Bruce whispered but Clint was already asleep snoring softly the remaining avengers looked to each other overcome by exhaustion widening their eyes and having silent staring contests with each other in hopes of staying awake Bruce caught himself closing his eyes he forced himself awake but then he felt his eyes close again and this time he couldn't do anything to make them open Natasha fell next deciding sleep would get her strength for whatever tomorrow held( well that's the excuse her sleep deprived brain had come up with) so remained two:
Tony and Steve
Pitched in a ferocious silent non-agreed staring battle
"STAY WIth me star.." Steve tried slowly blinking "I w.w*yawn* on" Tony muttered "sta*yawn* y awake"Steve whispered
"coffee.." Tony sleepily moaned before darkness consumed him "to..ny..." Steve the last avenger finally gave in to the darkness
"Yes,avengers sweet dreams! Breathe it all in tell me everything tomorrow..."
*click* click*click* (snapping fingers) the avengers snores subconsciously grew louder
"GOOD MORNING!" A chipper voice jolted them awake
The avengers woke with a start Natasha And Clint ,who had been leaning on each other while sleeping, jerked awake looked at each other and shuffled (as much as they could) away from each other staring embarrassed with a faint blush dusted on their cheeks at the floor
Tony and Steve awoke immediately on edge scanning their surroundings ashamed they had fallen asleep in the first place Bruce and Bucky were awake..but pretended not to be "I know you're pretending so stop it! A voice condescendingly called directly infront of them making them open their eyes.that was it. No other reaction, just the 'I'm so bored of this sh** already' look plastered on their faces they all surveyed their surroundings

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