Bad Cap

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Steve was America's golden boy incapable of evil,badassey and swearing... DEFINITELY SWEARING Every living person believed this
Unfortunately these were lies that only peter Parker could uncover however this was discovered too late ...

Peter Parker was a common face in stark tower he had loved walking through the doors moseying past security (often then not being shouted at to come back or approached) going towards the private elevator swiping his Alpha LV 10 card and going to work on the latest invention or his suit with his father-figure Mr Stark today was supposedly unlike any other yet when he reached the desired floor the 'rogue' Avengers along with Tony were sitting there said man stood up and beckoned peter towards them peter metaphorically detached himself from the lift and followed.

"Everyone this is P-
"Spider-man nice to meet you!" Peter said enthusiastically.
Bucky screeched he stalked up to peter Tony stepped protectively infront of him Bucky held out his normal hand "good catch Bucky Barnes nice to meet you..."
"Peter, Peter Parker"
Soon Peter was swamped with all the heroes Steve was among the last
"Hi Peter, Steve Rogers welcome to the avengers! About the terminal are you?"
"Oh I'm fine Mr Rogers sir, I can handle worse I have enhanced healing it was nothing compared to the warehouse falling on m-"
But peter had already fled the avengers left shocked and confused "good kid" Steve smirked, Peter had told him all he needed to know: enhanced healing and he could handle worse!

The next day at the compound
Steve called fancy coming for a run?"
Peters eyes lit up "DO I! I i mean cool if you want" Sam laughed "kid...good luck he's fast 💨" "I'm sure I can handle it Mr Sam Wilson Falcon sir!"
"If Your sure pete good luck"
And the second the door was closed peters abuse began...

"So Mr Captain America Steve Rogers sir where do we start?" Peter was at his side trotting along "the park kid nearly there" there was a slight bitterness with his tone but peter brushed it off maybe he was just annoyed by his chattering so the rest of the way was silent Steve and peter soon entered the park Steve kept walking so so did Peter they were walking very far away from people or indeed the parks centre at the edge of the park Steve called a halt, which sent peter into the back of him. Steve turned around angrily "sorry Mr Captain America Steve Rogers sir"

without warning he was pushed into a tree his wrists held above him with one gloved blue hand "Now you listen and listen well, kid you will do what I say when I say it and you won't complain or ask or tell" he pushed peter further into the tree peter wincing in the process "understand" "But w..why" Steve slapped him peter gasped his cheek stung from the blow "that sounded like an ask to me so..I will ask you again do you understand!

"Yes" Peter sobbed "Yes sir" Steve growled in his ear before biting down on it peter yelped "yes sir" "good, Now be a good freak and take this like a bug"
and Steve hit him again and again and again until his nose broke kicking his shins left right left and standing him up when he started to slip The pain was excruciating but peter bit down harshly on his lips so only a few wines escaped Steve smiled down at his victim tears quietly pooling in his eyes dripping to his chin and then the floor He reached his hand up and ruffled Peters hair harshly "good Spidey!"peter squirmed under him "Stop!" He said in neither a shout or whisper and he was punched in the side of his gut making poor peter go over in pain, but with Steve practically holding him up he didn't go far "Did I give you permission to speak?" Steve whispered in a tone so unlike Captain America's it was terrifying it was dark and low and chilling that peter could only shake his head

"Rules, I talk, you answer! If I don't tell you to YOU DON'T!! I ask! you obey!
you address me as Sir and this always stays our little secret!"

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