Spiderman meets the Avengers part 1

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So there will be a final part to this part 2.
In these parts Tony doesnt know Spider-Mans identity or him that well at all the same can be said about the avengers not knowing Spidey this is after the airport fight and The Avengers are a full team and everything is forgiven.


"I Don't care how" fury bellowed "we need Spider-Man now!" All the avengers eyes landed on Tony "what?" "Who is He Tony?" "I DONT know" Steve raised an eyebrow at him a very rare occurrence "uh oh eyebrows of disbelief" Clint muttered into Natasha's ear her lip curled up slightly and she pushed him off playfully "shut up" "woah cap stop with the 'eyes brows of disbelief' "Told you" "SHUT UP CLINT" "I don't know where he is he literally called me! Hacked my number somehow and joined up" Steve lowered his eyebrow "Avengers!" Fury held the attention now "Get the spider!" No one moved Bucky coughed awkwardly "I thought it was avengers....assemble?" Tony smirked "I like him" Steve draped an arm protectively over his friend making Bucky roll his eyes and Tony put his hands up "Assemble" Steve finished and the avengers were gone in a flurry of papers the chairs they were on still swinging.


It was another boringly long day Flash was his usual annoying self which we wished he wouldn't be and 'just fall in a hole for a week' ok that last bit was MJ but hey can't stop a guy from hoping I was on patrol it was a brilliant head space clearer to perch on a buildings roof taking photos Saving cats from trees getting a churo once saving the venders baby from a car the sound of iron man's repulsers the birds singing saving people from a WAIT IRON MAN!!!!????

I heard the metallic clunk from behind me "Hey Spider-Man?" I turned and stood up "Hey metal man how are you and cap now?" Tony huffed a little in his armour he raised his face plate "we're ok what about you? How's web-slinging" he cringed on his words Spidey chuckled "shall we skip the small talk I know bird man is in that" he pointed "tree. widow's in the ventilator Buckys behind it over there and Cap is definitely coming last in hide and seek... Hey Cap" Spidey finished waving energetically

I turned in a 360 Then back to Spidey "h?how" he tapped his nose I think "my secret. So you coming out or should I pretend your not there?" Begrudgingly and because there wasn't a point any more the others came and joined me "that's better" and we stood there unsure of what to do Unsurprisingly Spidey broke the uncomfortable silence" soooo introductions or"

Steve waved him off
"No sorry Fury would like to see you"
"tell pirate 🏴‍☠️ I'm not a threat I'm not signing anything and my identity is MY identity thanks man with my plan"
Steve glared taken aback while I was trying (and failing) to stifle my laugh luckily Clint guffawed first then me then Bucky and we laughed together Steve and Natasha not to much soon we heard another laugh a higher one an adorable one Spidey was clutching his stomach "sor..sorry I cou..couldn't resist cap..Captain America Steve Rogers sir"

Steve's resentment eased "manners" he remarked "forgiven now you comin quietly son?" his Brooklyn accent coming out

"Hmm" Spider-Man thought "hmmmm" he paced up and down then pushed through Steve and me "hmmmm?" "SPIDEY ARE YOU OR NOT" Katniss finally yelled Spidey stopped pacing to look at him squarely in the eye he had suddenly turned serious? (If that was possible?)


And we sprung into action Spidey yawned the audacity HE YAWNED and then white and I realised why "webbing" I muttered of course!
I was on the floor I looked around Natasha was on the floor a little far off from me but the closest as well. Bucky was next to Steve on the ventilator, he was stuck with his hand close to his comm looking more like he was saluting then anything and Clint at the rear

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