The End of the Line

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Featuring Old man Steve

Steve sat up in bed he felt every breath as if it was his last. Bucky had seen him yesterday,Sam the day before. He knew his days were numbered now, Is this what Peggy felt like? He wondered.

"Hey Steve" that voice belonged only to one. Shifting his head Steve saw him. "Hi Tony" so he was right this was it. "So you took my advice huh?" Steve smiled Tony hadn't aged a day no scars no strain he looked all together lighter in himself "yes, yes I did was right" Tony returned the fond smile back.

Walking closer he extended a hand "ready to go?" but both knew it wasn't a question. Steve reached out grasping the hand, only when fully standing did he realise he had bared weight onto his feet without a stick for the first time-and probably the last- since 2026.

He let out a laugh. Of happiness, of disbelief. He was ready to go. As Tony led him to the light, he heard his room door open and caught Buckys eye as he faded away.......

"Good bye Punk, I'm glad. your line has finally come to its end"

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