Loki tortured 3 end

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Loki immediately bowed his head "good Slave" waving his fingers Loki's lips were free
"Thank you master, Who do you choose Loki"

Loki inhaled a shaky breath looking from the startled avengers (who quickly smiled reassuringly) to his tormentors,his captors,his masters who would not tolerate disobedience he knew he had to choose...
"Answer me!" Red skull shrieked

"I choose the avengers....sir"

To say red skull was shocked was an understatement he had bullied and belittled and controlled Loki senseless imprinting the consequences of disobedience and THEY hadn't done enough....

the avengers were shocked as well it seems Loki still had some tricks up his sleeves meaning his brain wasn't completely swizzled/fried to the point of no return meanwhile Steve was deep in thought they were sure to return Bucky to the winter soldier and follow suit with them! And poor Loki would feel their wrath more so than ever!

Steve's brain finally clicked aha he had a plan

Come up with a distraction then leg it
"Excuse me skull but that Loki's an illusion"
Loki along with everyone else looked utterly confused Steve mouthed "go with it" Loki closed his eyes looking limp skull looked from Steve to Loki? Lying limp!
"The captain speaks the truth!" He yelled dropping Loki on the floor who luckily didn't react, skull whirled around to face Clint "WHERE IS HE!" clint thought fast "s.sh.shape-sh..shifted" he mock stuttered the avengers fake gasped at their teammate for 'revealing' such 'important information' convincing Red skull further he turned to look at the avengers smiling evilly before returning to look at Clint a gun cocked further into his head "WHICH ONE"
Steve mouthed emphatically to Clint "his guard" clint caught on "a guard" he faked not trying to look in one guards direction but of course red Skull caught on he followed the look and pointed an accusing finger at the closest guard "YOU!" He roared making the guards holding the avengers flinch loosening their hold Clint was dropped as the guards ganged up on the 'accused' the avengers wriggled out their grasp and tip-toed away Loki and Clint included got up and slunk away they were almost at the door




'Spider-Man Spider-Man does whatever a spider can'


the ringtone was enough to turn every guards head to them "kid!" Tony cursed "of all times not now"
"AVENGERS" Steve boomed
And boy did they! They legged it out the base with guards hot on their trail light blinded them as they slid under the last door and jumped on the quinjet as the guards broke down the door they waved as it took off like little kids
They were free but more importantly
Loki was free

One-shots avengers captured/torturedWhere stories live. Discover now