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its late into the night and Steve wishes he wasn't trotting along behind his idiot of a boyfrien- ahem 'Bestfriend' to stop him from kidnapping a certain spider. Bucky is confidently striding he's got this all planned out it's not kidnapping if he has peters permission is it 😏 from their Brooklyn apartment to motorbike rides and the history museum I mean what's not to like? Plus him and Steve were so.. hold on "hey Steve are you sure peters not your great grandson?" Steve stopped dead and nearly tripped over before catching up with his boyfri- Bucky "WHAT no of course not...I mean maybe wait NO Bucky you can't kidnap a kid!" Bucky rolled his eyes factually stating "its not kidnapping if the kid agrees" Steve shook his head as Bucky turned the corner

"would Tony even let us do this? of course not he's Tony we can't do this buck" Bucky smirks turning round to his bestfriend (ahem 'wishes boyfriend') "since when was Tony Stark the boss of you" Steve's jaw dropped his face broke out in a sweat and he went white. All he kept thinking was this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap Buckys smirk was widening as finally he couldn't take it.

"alright fine how long you thinking? an hour? a day ? It was Bucky's turn to freeze break out in a sweat and Tyumen white. He scratched his neck, a habit he had taken from Steve- "yeah a day totally" his voice pitched several octaves higher "Buckyyyyyy!" Steve warns his voice low,dangerously low

"a year.." "A YEAR Bucky NO"

Finally FINALLY they arrived at their destination. Peters Room. They could hear chatter within cautiously they pressed themselves (as best they could) to the door (WITHOUT breaking it) Unbeknownst to them Loki was also trying to kidnap Peter. The door was slightly ajar but not big enough to se win Bucky peeked thebdoor back a touch and there was loki sitting on the bed speaking in low tones stroking some hair of a wide awake peter.

"Asgaurd is very beautiful you'll love it there I could even make you a god if you'd like" peter was on lokis left eyes wide like a baby "woah really? Of what?!" Loki chuckled smiling "of purity, kindness and forgiveness young one we'll feast to your accomplishments and explore the world to your hearts content you ready to go?" Peters smile widened "YES wait did Mr Stark say I could go?"

Steve and Bucky had had enough Loki of ALLLLLLL people was NOT about to stop them taking peter from them! After all only they could do that!

The Door was off its hinges in an instant they barged in stern looks arms crossed Steve spoke first " No he did not!" Peters face fell and he slouched"oh" Loki avoided his eyes he was looking incredibly guilty then Thor boomed into the room completely oblivious of Stucky.

"Right young Starkson let's feast in the great halls of Asguar- oh hello Steven Bucky" he waved Stucky are shook "THOR!? Your in on this?" Steve practically screeched. All had forgotten the time by now
Thor turned red clearly embarrassed "yea I am Peter is as you misguardians say...adorable"
" I am not" came the grumpy sweet protest from the puppy-dog eyed boy.
Bucky knelt beside the bed "Sure pete of course not your a man-spider!" Peters giggles only helped to enforce his cuteness backing up Thor's claim.
Bucky had to hold in an uwu but he did.

"hey you know what Tony did approve of though ?" Peters face lit up he sat up "what" his eyes sparkled with wonder and Steve approached "for you to spend the week with us!" Peter was silent "you know Brooklyn apartment, museums, Morning runs, motorbike rides the whole.. Peter?" He looked like he was about to simultaneously combust of excitement and joy as he was on cloud nine.

Bucky nudged Steve with a smirk "a week?" "Yeah there's no way it'll stay that short" Loki and Thor were disgruntled "there's no way Stark gave permission for that!" "Whaat of course he did!" Yeah right" an argument ensued until "QUIET!"

peter was now standing on his bed "How about I go with Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky for a week than asguard with Uncle Loki and Uncle Thor for a week ?"
His 'intimidating' eyes were more like puppy dogs and they all cooed over his 'decisiveness' the way their names were Uncle-isised They couldn't say no.
The 4 'Adults' looked to each other and nodded "deal"

Steve nudged Bucky "we're not giving him back are we" Steve smiled "no"
Meanwhile Thor nudged Loki "they can have 2 days with him" Loki nodded smirking "welcome to the bad side brother"

Then Tony walked in Iron glove on and charged "NO ONES TAKING PETER ANYWHERE" the 4 looked to peter to Tony to peter

"every man/god for themselves" Bucky grabbed peter and ran Steve closely following Loki whisked himself away with magic Thor legged it Tony sighed "Jarvis suit me up" he huffed walking as his armour encased him this was after all the 8th time this week.

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