The Deal

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Jihoon heard a blabber of lagging words through the video call which made no sense at all! The words he did pick are 'the asshole landlord', 'high rent' and 'kiss'. He did imagine what could have happened, but had to be certain. Therefore, he stopped his friend from sprouting nonsense by shouting back, "Kyu, will you slow down for God's sake!?"

His loud shout that grabbed attention from nearby people definitely worked. Through the phone screen, he saw a confused Junkyu in a pout.

"Tell me now, what happened?" Jihoon asked. He lifted his phone up, as the previous angle made him look like a deformed pumpkin.

"I just told you." Junkyu sulked, "You don't listen to me!"

"You were running like a bullet train, how am I supposed to understand any of that?" Jihoon said, "Now come on. Fill me in about your asshole landlord. What did he do?"

Junkyu looked angry again, his eyebrows came together, "What kind of landlord demands three times the electricity bill??"

"Huh??" Jihoon asked in surprise. Junkyu frowned, "What? You didn't know?"

"Uh... I mean... I guess?" Jihoon was a little flustered. Of course he didn't.

"Wow! So he's a liar as well! He told me that you knew, but you don't."

"I mean I don't remember, Kyu. He talked about a lot of things and- what did he say?" Jihoon asked.

"He said that the rent is as usual but the bills- I have to pay more than I should." Junkyu rolled his eyes, "Like five times! Can you imagine?"

"Wow, that's... Uh... Interesting?"

"Tsk!" Junkyu spoke out in annoyance, "I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place. I should have known- that you're good for nothing!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Jihoon raised a hand up to his chest, "Stop blaming me, you're the lazy one who sent me to talk about the apartment."

"That's because you kept nagging me to get a place of my own!" Junkyu protested, "I was happy living with you."

"In that small, rusty storage room? No thanks. Paying more is better than that."

"About payment," Junkyu started, "When I said that I don't have enough money, he... Well, he asked for a different price."

"Hm? Like?" Jihoon was busy looking for something in his bag, supporting his phone against his water bottle. Through the screen, Junkyu said, "Like maybe a kiss?"

"HUH!?" Jihoon shouted again, totally unintentional this time. He felt stares from people again, and even Junkyu felt embarrassed for him.

"Ssh! Don't shout!" Junkyu scolded.

"How can I not!? Dude just asked to kiss you!"

"I know! That's so... Gay!"

"Then, did you do it?" Jihoon asked, with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"No." Junkyu sighed, "He just gave me a heads up. I think he'll ask for it tomorrow."

"Well... Will you give it to him then?" Jihoon asked, a lot careful with his words this time.

"If that cuts my rent, why not?" Junkyu replied, "Like it's just a kiss, right? Should I do it, Jihoonie?"

"Why are you asking me? It's your call." Jihoon said.

"I know... But like... Kissing a guy should be okay, right?"

"I never kissed one, I don't know." Jihoon said, "But if he's handsome, I think that's okay."

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