The Confirmation

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Haruto kept getting distracted as someone was continually calling him. He was still talking with his friend, Jeongwoo, so whoever was calling probably found the line busy, but they were adamant. Haruto heard small beeping sounds and it was kinda annoying.

"Jeongwoo ya, I'll call you back, okay? Someone's calling me." He said. His friend got slightly pouty at the other end, they were really into a fun conversation. However, he didn't pester as Haruto cut the call and checked who was calling.

Strange. It was Jihoon.

Worried, he called back. It was almost midnight, as far as he knew- Jihoon was supposed to be on a date with Hyunsuk. What must he need that he called at that hour. And why him? Was Junkyu asleep?

Jihoon picked up at the first ring.

"Haruto you fucking piece of shit what did you do to Junkyu!?"

"What?" Haruto asked, pretty confused.

"Don't what me! Did you forget you were supposed to spend time with your boyfriend?? Kyu sent me texts saying you're busy with some stupid dude- leaving him all alone, waiting."

"Wha- No! I was playing games and then my friend called for something but- I thought Junkyu had fallen asleep, I don't-"

"Don't tell me you left him because you were talking to someone named Jeongwoo!?" Jihoon sounded really worried.

"Um... Yeah, why?"

"You fucking idiot! Do you have feelings for this dude or something!? Why do you keep hurting my friend?"

"Whoa- Jihoonie hyung! Where is this coming from? He's just a friend who's in need of a little company. There's nothing of that sort going on, trust me!"

"Don't explain it to me, dumbass! Go talk to your boyfriend. He's probably cried himself to sleep! Gosh! Why are you so stupid! You just assumed that he's asleep? Didn't go and check it out for yourself? Wish I had seen the texts sooner- he must have felt really lonely."

"I... I'll go check hyung! Thanks for telling me." Haruto quickly cut thr call. He was suddenly really worried. He remembered that Junkyu asked him to have some waffles together, but he made the other wait. For how long? About two hours? He could have gone to check on Junkyu. Yet, he was so busy talking to his friend. What if Junkyu gets the wrong idea? Oh God! Please don't let it be that way! The last thing Haruto wanted was to make his boyfriend sad.

He moved to their shared bedroom. Junkyu was lying on the bed, covering himself up with the blanket, his face hidden behind a pillow. His chest was rising and falling at a steady pace, maybe he really was sleeping. Haruto sat next to him. Junkyu looked peaceful. Was he really, or did he finally give up after waiting?

He put a hand over Junkyu's stomach. So soft and warm. Haruto escaped a smile. He slowly shook the older guy, calling his name in a whisper. "Junkyu? Hey?" It took him a few tries to make the other move the pillow and look up.

"Ruto?" He called in a strained voice. Haruto moved closer to him.

"Hey, when did you fall asleep?" He asked, feeling guilty for abandoning his man like that.

"A few minutes ago..." Junkyu said, rubbing his eyes, then yawning, "The waffles are in the freezer, get some for yourself and-"

"Babe, did you cry??" Haruto suddenly grabbed both of his boyfriend's hands, asking with so much worry in his head. Junkyu stiffened for a moment, then dismissed the question by mentioning the waffles again. However, his eyes were unnaturally puffy, a little red too. And his nose- the cute round tip was also red for some reason. There's no way he did not shed a few tear drops. And it broke the younger's heart.

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