The New Roommate

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Junkyu laughed watching his friend getting all emotional. They had been living under the same roof for some years already, and no matter how many times Jihoon told him to move out, he actually really enjoyed Junkyu's company. He did push Junkyu out once, but that's because he wanted to settle his friend with someone else. Now that that's done, moving out definitely meant a forever living apart. He couldn't but tear up at the thought of it.

"Park Jihoon! Come on! I'm not going to die or anything, why are you crying??" Junkyu chuckled. Jihoon wiped his eyes. It was kinda embarrassing. He ended up laughing too, "I don't know... It's just... You can't even cook."

"Come on!" Junkyu said, "I lived alone before, remember?"

"There was Haruto to look after you at that time." Jihoon insisted.

"And he'll be there this time as well, you don't have to worry." Junkyu assured.

"But it's not the same!" Jihoon said, "It's not his apartment anymore. What if the neighbours annoy you, or if anyone tries to hurt you, I-"

"Relax, Jihoon." Junkyu held his friend's shoulders, "I'm gonna be alright, hm? And you can always check on me. I'll also keep you updated about me everyday. How does that sound?"

"Hm." Jihoon sniffed. Junkyu wiped his face with utmost affection. He himself was a bit sad. But it was high time he moved. Since he made up with Haruto, the younger had been constantly visiting him and to Junkyu, it was a disturbance for Jihoon. So even though Jihoon told him a thousand times not to, Junkyu decided to move out. He chose a different apartment this time. Small but bright. Not too far from his uni. The rent was also reasonable. Haruto liked it too. On the day of moving, he was supposed to come help, but he was busy with something, so Junkyu and Jihoon had to do. They transported all the boxes to the desired place.

"Jihoon ah, can you wait here? I need to get the key."

"Yeah sure." Jihoon said, taking out his phone. They were in front of the closed door with all the boxes. Junkyu went to meet the landlord for the key.

"Oh, you're the new resident- Kim Junkyu, right?" Asked the landlord who was a short yet fashionable guy. Junkyu liked the short blonde hair on him when he first came to visit the place. But now, that had changed to black. He still looked cool though.

"Yeah." Junkyu said, "You changed your hair, Hyunsuk ssi?"

The short man smiled. His eye whites vanished once he did that, "Yeah, how is it?"

"Cool as always." Junkyu complimented.

"Thanks." Hyunsuk said, "You're here to get the keys, right? Wait. I'll be back." He said, vanishing inside his place. Soon, he returned with a bunch of keys. He separated the one with Junkyu's apartment number.

"There you go. I wanted to give you a spare one too, but your roommate took it first, so-"

"Roommate?" Junkyu asked, quite taken aback. He didn't remember anything about a roommate.

"Yeah, the boy you sent to me the other day." Hyunsuk answered.

"Whoa- what?" Junkyu asked, clearly confused, "What roommate? I didn't send anyone!"

"Eh? But he told me that you wanted to share the room and..."

"No, I didn't!" Junkyu opposed, "You gave him the keys already!?"

"Yeah..." Hyunsuk said.

"Oh God! Is he in there?" Junkyu asked again.

"I don't know. He took the keys like an hour before."

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