The Morning

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Haruto promised to leave if the door did not open within three seconds of the last knock. It was late at night, past midnight actually, yet he was knocking on Junkyu's door for some reason. It's been a long day for him, waking up to leave for school, sit for exams, present his projects and then end up getting detention cause he was caught cheating. When he thought he'd go back to see Junkyu after all these, his father called him to have dinner together and then with one word to another, he ended up staying late at his parents' house. Well, he could have just slept there but he missed Junkyu so bad! He drove all the way to the large building just to see one single resident he was addicted to.

Only one thought didn't cross his mind- Junkyu is a heavy- heavy sleeper!

Like Haruto was probably knocking for ten minutes straight, Junkyu didn't open up. The landlord even tried calling but to no use. Junkyu probably was one of those people who keep their phone on silent mode before sleeping.

Now why was Haruto so desperate? Simple, he was caught on the last sex between them. The breathless in and out on Junkyu's bed which destroyed the innocent man's virginity- the sinful calls of his name from Junkyu's lips and the inexperienced blowjob- Haruto could think about them all day! In fact, he did. Back in class, he couldn't concentrate because every time he closed his eyes, the face when Junkyu came all over flashed before him. He'd feel weird to his guts that went all the way to the bundle of sensitive nerves on the tip of his manhood.

He wished to see Junkyu, maybe do more than just pay a visit.

But well, Junkyu tested his patience. He was sure about to leave, but a sleepy eyed Junkyu opened the door with one eye open just in time.

"Ruto?" He called, voice raspy, hair sticking out. Haruto chuckled, brushing down those messed up hair, "Did I wake you up?"

"Mm." Junkyu rubbed his eyes, "Come in."

Haruto went in and closed the door after himself. Even from behind, he could tell, Junkyu yawned big time. Junkyu walked back to his bed, but instead of lying down, he took a seat.

"What's up?" He asked, yawning again. Haruto could see the inside of Junkyu's mouth at how wide the yawn was. Even that looked cute to him. Especially how Junkyu slightly smiled afterwards.

"You're quite sleepy." Haruto stated.

"I woke up early today, had a quiz coming up."

"How did you do?" Haruto asked.

"Okay I guess. Jihoonie helped me."

"Hmmm." Haruto nodded. He had nothing to talk about, he came just to see Junkyu and that's it.

"Why're you here though? Do you..." Junkyu yawned a third time, "Sorry. Do you want anything from me?"

Haruto thought before saying that he did. That he wanted Junkyu's entire body, mind and soul.

"I- You know, I was thinking that... That day, when we did it, right? It was... awesome."

Junkyu laughed lightly, "Yeah. It was."

"You liked it, right?"

"Mm.. you can say so." Junkyu replied.

"Then, can we- do it again?" Haruto asked.

"Now?" Junkyu asked, his eyes screamed tiredness. Haruto felt a little bad for him. Since he was the one appearing at an ungodly hour.

"If you're sleepy then just go to sleep, we can do it later." Haruto assured. Junkyu looked once at Haruto, once at his lovely bed. Just from the longing stares at the average-quality mattress answered to the Japanese. He quickly assured Junkyu that it was okay, "Alright, fine. I understand. Just go to sleep."

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