The Secret

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Junkyu fell straight on his back Jihoon's bed since he was tired as hell. Spending almost three hours looking for a suitable apartment to live in was too exhausting for his taste. Even the high in stamina Jihoon seemed to be giving up at last. It was hard to satisfy Junkyu's needs. Usually, he's a laid back guy, who's okay with any place to live in, but maybe he just needed an excuse to stay in Haruto's apartment, or that's what Jihoon thought. Because why else would Junkyu reject every single place they visited?

"Jihoon ah!!" He whined, "I'm so drained!"

Jihoon occupied the space beside him, following his posture. They had their legs hanging through the edge of the bed. Both looked at the ceiling. Jihoon let out a sigh of exhaustion.

"Same here! Who knew finding an apartment would be this hard?!"

"I know right?" Junkyu sighed as well, "I do think option three was okay, but the bathroom is too small. And option seven was okay overall, but there's literally no light- even during day time! You tell me, how am I supposed to choose one?"

Jihoon chuckled, "Or maybe the current apartment is more than enough." He turned to face Junkyu, "Hey, why do you even bother moving?"

"I don't know..." Junkyu said, "I just don't feel like living there."

"Because of Haruto?" Jihoon asked, "Well, I think you have gone beyond that, didn't you?"

Junkyu turned as well. This time he was looking directly at his best friend. Jihoon wasn't teasing him. He looked genuine, like actually curious to know the answer.

"I don't know, Jihoonie. I really don't know about him. I mean, yeah, we did that a few of times, but it's just that. I don't think it would matter much to him if I leave." He answered.

"And would it matter to you?" Jihoon asked, "If you move out and he forgets you, will it make you sad?"

"I guess." Junkyu answered.

"Then just stay there!" Jihoon said, "He treats you well anyway."

Junkyu left an indecisive sigh, "Let's see if we can find a place first, I'll decide later whether to move out or not."

Jihoon agreed. But he had a lot more to ask. So, a while later, he called his friend again, "Hey, Kyu?"


"Do you like Haruto?" Asked Jihoon.

"Mmm.... I don't think I do." Junkyu said.

"Why??" Jihoon sounded like he was hurt. Well, he was. Because his ship heart just broke with Junkyu's words.

"Come on, Ji! Don't you see what he's doing? He's- like only having sex with me." Junkyu said, "It's not like we started with small talks and crushes. He literally pushed me to the point I had to surrender."

"But that's not a bad thing, right?" Jihoon said, "He didn't force you. And as far as I know, he treats you well. Like a lover would."

"Even so-"

"And what if he provoked you because he was trying to seduce you?" He said again, "What if he actually likes you?"

Junkyu chuckled, "If he did, he'd have already told me. He's a confident guy after all."

"Sometimes confidence can fall. Especially in front of the one you like." Jihoon stated. Junkyu didn't believe his words, "His would never."

"How are you so sure?" Jihoon raised an eyebrow.

"I just know." Junkyu sat up, "And by the way, you're talking as if he had told you something? Hm?" He narrowed his eyes, "Are you guys talking behind my back??"

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