traitor || part 2

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a/n I'm using different lyrics for this part as they fit the part better. however it's still the same song and a continuation of the previous chapter<333

You'd talk to her
When we were together
You gave me your word
But that didn't matter

Emily's POV:

Instagram: New message from Jentzen Ramirez.

No. He was following me. We broke up, I found out how quickly he moved on, and now I'm moving on. Today is January 31st, nearly 2 months after we broke up. Should I open it? 

"Emily, even if you go to mom or the girls for advice, you're gonna be opening it anyways. You might as well." The voice inside my head says to me. Ever since the new year, my confidence has grown, and I can stand up for myself. 

Jentzen: Come meet me at the Starbucks we used to go to at 3 😏

I look over at the clock. It's 2:45, and Starbucks is roughly a 10 minute walk. Was this a bad idea? Well, we could resolve thing between us, it would make meet-ups with the entire group less awkward. And if he said anything, I could block him, and show him.

I pull on a sweater as it's pretty cold outside, and grab a bag to put my phone in. I close the door, as the last thing I want is my sister Mae snooping through my stuff. I mean, we're all guilty of it.

"Mom, I'm heading out for a bit. I'll be back in an hour max." I shout to my mom while heading down the stairs.

"Ok, stay safe Em." She says. My mom is never really strict, and I know I always have her, she's more of a cool big sister when I think about it. I open the front door and walk down the street, the slight breeze blowing my straight blonde hair around. I reach Starbucks and walk in, looking for Jentzen. I find him in the corner, sipping a vanilla latte, and sit down opposite him. 

"So, why did you want to meet me?" I ask.

"Emily, my new girl's nothing in comparison to you. I love you, and I want you back. Come on, forgive me, I know how much you loved me." He says, smirking. Wait, what?

"Nobody ever thought we were a thing and you moved on 2 weeks later! You guys were talking when we were together, and you'd say I would always be yours. I'm sorry, but you broke me." I didn't want him anymore, he was a cheater, a player, who I hated with a passion. "I hate you."

"But I love you." He says, before walking towards me, leaning in, and kissing me.

"Get off!" I say, pushing him away, only for him to pull me back in. "I don't want this!"

"I do," He replies, wrapping his arms around my waist. He begins to peck me all over, and I try my best to get away, but his arms are too strong, and I'm too trapped.

"What the hell is going on?"

Elliana's POV:

 I was invited to go to Starbucks with my boyfriend Jentzen at 3:30, but I decided to go early to surprise him with something. It's our 7 month anniversary from when we first met today and I want to ask the employees to make him a special drink. Even though I've only been dating him for just over a month I'm so madly in love with him and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way.

I walk into the Starbucks and I'm about to go to the counter when I see the I thinkable. Jentzen not just kissing, but making out with another girl. The girl was taller than I was, skinnier than I was, and had nicer hair. That was probably why he chose her.

"Get off!" The girl said. "I don't want this." She was trying to pull away, and Jentzen just kept leaning in closer and closer. 

"Well I do." Jentzen says, and my mouth drops. He was cheating, I thought he loved me!

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

They both turn to me. "Ellie, I swear, she made me do it, I love you and only you!" He immediately said.

"I'm not stupid!" I reply. "I saw you forcing this girl to make out with you. We're over. I'm leaving."

I run out the coffee shop, trying to hold back my tears that were streaming down my face. I sat on a nearby bench and bawled my eyes out.

What was I going to do now?

Emily's POV:

"I'm not being in your games anymore!" I say to him, getting up and walking to the door.

"But Emily, me and Elliana are over now, we can get together!"

"I don't care!" I roar. "I was heartbroken when you broke up with me, but now I've realised I'd rather be single my whole life over being with you for a minute! Not only were you talking to her when we were together, and then using the excuse you didn't cheat, you cheated on her with me! You are at your worst point Jentzen Ramirez, and soon you'll realise. You're not only a cheater, you're a traitor." And without warning, I ran out, not crying with tears, but raging with anger. I wish I punched him when I could, but now I just needed to expose him. 

However, as I walk back down the street, I see Elliana sitting on a bench nearby, bawling her eyes out. "It'll be okay, I promise." I reassure her, sitting down, not wanting to pull the 'are you ok' card as I know that always ends in more tears. 

"I feel like the world just ended," She weeps, and despite not knowing her, I wrap and arm around her shoulder and she rests her light blonde hair on my knitted pullover. 

"Look, when he broke up with me, I focused on strengthening up. Instead of crying, wanting him dead, cutting contact, and just approaching every situation with confidence." 

"But, why did he cheat? Am I not good enough or something?" 

"He's not good enough. He's too stupid and blind to realise an amazing girl right in front of him." We giggle, and then I pull out my phone and open Instagram, going live.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you something." I announce, and immediately I have a ton of comments. "I'm here with Elliana, who is my ex-boyfriend, Jentzen Ramirez's ex-girlfriend." 

Comments in the live chat flood in, with many question marks and confused sentences. 

"We're just gonna tell you everything. He was talking to her when me and him were dating and then began dating her weeks after our breakup. However, just a month later, he cheats on her with me. When she breaks up with him, he tries to get me back!"

"He's a player, cheater, and most of all, a traitor." Ellie says, and I nod.

"Exactly. So we have a message for Jentzen Ramirez." I say, and Elliana begins counting down quietly. "We f*cking hate you."

"But we love you guys," I add at the end, before ending the live, wanting it to be abrupt. I ask her how she's feeling, and she just replies with a smile, which gives everything. I hug her, and she holds me tightly, and I don't let go.

"That felt good. Exposing him." She murmurs.

"I know." 

1212 words. Also, Emiliana!

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