Secret love Song || Little Mix

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Why can't I hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause I'm yours
Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Elliana's POV:

"Happy anniversary baby!" I say to my boyfriend, Jentzen. Today is our one year anniversary and I couldn't be more happy with him. 

"Would do you wanna do together? After school, obviously." He says smiling, and I frown. He asks me, "What's wrong?"

"I just thought you would've planned something, that's all." I reply, my heart sinking slightly. 

"Sorry beauty, it's just that with your mom and everything I thought there was no point spending that time when you probably won't be able to show up-." Wait what! Was he trying to insult her?

"Don't says thing about my mom like that!" I shout, chucking the books I was holding for him back into his arms. 

"Elliana, I'm sure your mom is great, but you still haven't told her about us. It's been a whole damn year! She never lets you go anywhere, we barely go on dates, and I hate dating so secretly. You won't even let me tell any of our friends. All we do is talk at school when nobody's around and text each other. I just wish we could be, be more-." 

"More what?"

"I just wish we could, we could go shopping together! Dance together! I wish I could say I love you when others are around, because I do. But I wish we were more like other couples our age." That's true, I wish that too. But, I can't risk my mom finding out. It's not worth it.

"I'm leaving." I mutter, before heading to my class. I never imagined that my anniversary would be like this. 

Jentzen's POV:

Elliana Walmsley. The girl I was in love with. The girl I wish I was in love with. The girl I could be in love with. 

She's so beautiful, she's so smart, she's so kind. On the outside, she seems like the perfect girlfriend, and I was over the moon when I finally worked up the courage to ask her out. We had our 6 months, my parents and sister loved her, it with perfect. The thing is, her mom is too overprotective, and not in a loving way, she's just too controlling over Elliana. She forced me to not tell any of our friends as her mother has 'sources' in our school. She literally had to sneak out for our only two time together outside of school. 

Why did I have to fall in love with her? The complicated, moody girl who captured my lover-boy heart. I get teased all of the time for not having a girlfriend, and god the amount of jealousy that swarms inside of me whenever other guys hit on her agitates me. 

I'm tired. Tired of living love this way. I wish I could love Elliana Walmsley, and even though she's perfect for me, we can't be together. I don't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve me. She deserves someone who's okay with being secret, and I deserve someone who's not. 

I sit through 5 boring lessons before dashing out of my classroom the moment I hear the lunch bell. I should've done this months ago, but now I was about to break a girls heart, because she was slowly breaking mine.  

"Yo Jentzen, what's up bro?" My best friend Lev says to me, catching me in the corridor.

"Not much, I'm just going to, uh, the bathroom." He didn't need to know, he didn't even know me and Elliana were dating. 

"Ok cool, lunch in five?" I give him a nod, and then I spot Elliana. She was talking to some of her friends: Emily, Piper and Jenna. I give her our secret hang signal which she notices, and makes her way away from them and towards me. 

"Hey J!" A big smile is on her face, and I was about to destroy that. "Guess what, I got the lead in the musical! Isn't it awesome?"

"Yeah... that's awesome," I say, not wanting to chicken out, like I have so many times. "Listen, we need to talk." 

"Sure, what's up?" She asks, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Ellie, you're not gonna like this." She gives me a puzzled look. "We, are not working out. I've tried to love like this, but it's just not for me."

"You, you can't be serious?" Tears begin forming in her eyes, and guilt swarms inside of me. 

"Grow up." I try and tell myself. "This needs to be done."

"Elliana, I've been holding this back for a long time. I didn't want to break up because I love you too much, but we both know we need too."

"What do you mean? I- I thought you loved me!" Her angry mood returns, and I grab both of her cold palms to try and calm her.

"I don't want to keep loving like this! You and I both know it's not healthy for either of us, and I'm breaking up with you because I love you too much to keep my love hidden."

"I understand." She gulps. "You've been an amazing part of my life Jentzen, and I'm so grateful to have you. I hope we can start over one day."

"I hope so too," I say, and she turns her back and begins to walk away. However, I have one more thing to tell the love of my life.

"Ellie," she turns her head, and blue eyes stare right at me. "You'll always be mine."

She smiled. "I'll always be yours." 

951 words. This one was a bit different, but it was cool to write! do you like the more fluffy one shots, the break up/fight ones or ones like this which are a mix of the two? lemme know :)

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