that way || Tate McRae

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this one starts themed like the song but it sorta drifts away. Hope u don't mind!

We say we're friends, but I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense 'cause we're fighting over what we do
And there's no way that I'll end up being with you
But friends don't look at friends that way
Friends don't look at friends that way

Liana's POV:

As I'm scrolling through my socials, I notice my brother Jentzen and his friend Elliana talking. I ship them so much, just like everybody else, but they're simple too blind to notice how in love they are. I sneak my phone up and take a quick photo to post on my Instagram story, with the caption '#jelliana'. 

"Lovebirds," Our friend Piper coos, while cuddling in her boyfriend Lev's arms.

"Can you to just get together already? Me and Piper are betting and I need to win the 100 bucks!" Emily moans. 

"No chance." Piper smirks. "You guessed July 19th Em, and it's the 22nd. I guessed the 25th."

"Dang it," she stomps her foot on the ground. "Guys, please get together on the 24th or 26th, otherwise the $100 is coming out of your pockets.

"How many times do we need to tell you guys!?" They cry in unison. "We're just friends."

"Aww Jentzen, don't worry, as your older sister, I've given you approval get a girlfriend." I tease. "Now hurry up and get together. Literally everybody thinks your the cutest!"

"Shut the hell up guys," he says, rolling his eyes before standing up and walking off.

"Seriously. Grow up." Elliana says, basically shadowing Jentzen and walking away in the similar direction. 

"Why won't they just admit they're in love?" Emily says. "Do they not trust us or something?"

"I've known Jentzen for 16 years, I'd hope he trusts me," I reply. "I think both of them are scared of admitting feelings. They don't want to ruin their friendship."

"I get that," Lev says, looking at Piper. "It's scary becoming more than friends with a friend. We both know." She giggles in his arms. "But I can read people really well, and friends don't look at friends that way." 

Elliana's POV:

"Can we just get together to stop them being like this? We'll break up soon."

"Elliana, I'm sorry, but I could NEVER see myself dating you." He says. "You're a great friend, but you're basically my little sister."

"I just hate being teased for not having a boyfriend and,"

"So this is about you now wanting a boyfriend so you wanna 'date' me? This is not elementary school!" Jentzen rages.

"No, I don't mean it that way!" I cry. "I'm tired of people judging me for being a simp for you, even though I don't feel that way. We could just casually date to shut everybody up, then breakup as soon as everybody matures."

"So never?" He jokes. 

"News always gets old." I say, giggling at his response for a second. "So are you in?"

He sights. "I would, but I can't..."

"What do you mean?" I wonder. "Do you have a girlfriend or something? If so I totally support you and you could tell her that we're just doing it to get Liana and the squad to back off." 

"Ellie," Jentzen says, leading me as far as he can from our friends. "Promise you won't let a soul know." 

I nod, and secure my pink finger tightly in his. "Swear."

"Ok," he sighs. "Here goes nothing. I'm Bi." 

"Wh, what?"

"You heard it right. I've liked girls before, but recently, I've been liking guys." He pauses. "And I'm pretty sure you don't want to be my friend anymore and that you think I'm a total klutz and weirdo and,"

"J," I stop him. "I support you."

Speechlessness oozes out of his face. "You, you do? I'm, I'm so thankful, but you out of all people? Especially your family, they're very..."

"Traditional? I know." I reply. "But I'm nothing like that. I accept you for who you are and nobody chooses who you love except yourself. But Jentz, you need to tell your family eventually. It's better sooner than later."

"I, I'm just trying to process it all before I tell them. Especially Liana." His voice became more silent. "She's always talked about having a sister-in-law to hangout with, to annoy me with, and I know it won't be the same."

"You can't change who you are for her. Me and the squad care about you a lot, and they'll always have your back. I promise."

"Since when did you become so good at comforting people?" He chuckles, and I roll my eyes.

"There's so many amazing things about me you don't know yet." I joke. "But, I hate talking about serious stuff, so let me know the tea. Are you into anyone?"

"Well," Jentzen blushes. "There is this one boy. His name is Malcom, and he's so, everything. Lemme show you a photo." He pulls out his phone and opens Instagram, and I soon catch the blushes.

"Ooh, he's hot!" I tease, in awe at his short, curly brown hair, emerald eyes and coffee-toned skin. "The only thing preventing me from sliding into his DM's are the fact I don't want to deal with how angry you'll be. "

"Elliana," He groans. "You're so hard to deal with sometimes."

"I know," I grin. "So, have you made a move yet?"

"You could say so. I've been snapchatting him for a few weeks, and we're meeting at Starbucks on Saturday." Jentzen says, beaming, and I beam watching him do so. 
"That's awesome!" I exclaim. "But, when are you gonna tell people?"

"Hopefully we may become official. I'll think about it after a date." I nod, before bringing him into a hug. 

"You can always talk to me. If you want, I can even help you get ready." I stare at himself, and he smirks.

"I'm gonna pass on that one," He replies. "But thanks for the offer. I really value you as a friend Ellie."

"Me too Jentzen," I say, before getting up as my mom is picking me up. "If you still want fashion tips, hit me up!" I call from the front door, however I am unable to hear his response as it's overshadowed by my mom shouting at me telling me to hurry up. 

It's just a boy, and it won't change how I see one of my best friends.

1034 words. there will be a part two to this one <3

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