drivers license || Olivia Rodrigo

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this oneshot doesn't rly relate to the themes of the song but it relates to the title 

I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house

Jentzen's POV:

I stroke my fingers through Elliana's long blonde locks, and as she giggles, I give her head a small peck.

"That was such a good movie!" She exclaims, reaching over to hug me.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I need a break from movie watching." As expected, I'm greeted with a frown. "Come on, we've watched 3 marvel movies in a row!"

"You're lucky I didn't choose a Rom-Com." Elliana growls, and I sigh.

"Well it's just getting a bit boring."

"But what else is there to do. We've made tiktoks, watched movies, played video games, annoyed Liana and Stephen, baked!" She cries. "And we've both had too much sugar to even think about going to bed."

I groan. "That's true. If only there was something..." As I think, my mind is blank for a while, until it suddenly hits me. "I got an idea!"

"What!" Exclaims Ellie. 

"Lev and Piper always do this! A night time drive around the neighbour-hood, to be honest I can't believe we've never done one."

"Oh um," She pauses. "I'm not really feeling it tonight. What else do you think-?"

"Come on Ell!" I cry. "We always do what you want, lets switch it up. I'll grab my keys, we don't need to change if we're not getting out of the car.

While speaking, I stand up and walk towards the door, grabbing the keys to my Black Volkswagen. I've been with Elliana for almost a year now, therefore I can't believe we've never done this. Opening the door, I stroll out to my driveway, and clamber into the car, waiting for her. However, a few minutes pass, so I walk back inside.

"Elliana, come on. Let's go!"

Elliana's POV:

"Elliana, come on. Let's go!"

I hear Jentzen's voice, and my pounding heart gets more intense. I'm being a cry-baby, right? He'll probably dump me if he found out how afraid I am.

When I was 5 years old, I was in a car accident. All I remember is screaming, crying and sirens. And how it was all MY fault.  Because I was being a brat, my aunt decided to give my mom an hour to herself, and drove to the ice cream shop, all for ME. On the way back, a drunk driver hit us, and thankfully, I was able to escape with just a fractured ankle. But since that day, I've never seen my aunt.

Now I refuse to get in a car. I hate leaving the house, and if I do, I'd rather walk 10 miles rather than drive for 30 minutes. The only people who know are my family, and I've always kept it like that.

The thing is, I'm deeply in love with Jentzen. One of my worst fears (other than cars), is letting people down, especially him. Maybe it won't be so bad? Shaking heavily, I walk out the front door, and feel the midnight air hit my skin. Biting my lip, I open the door and clamber in. Instantly, I fasten my seatbelt, and chew my fingers, not wanting to reveal my emotions.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I stutter, and he nods. I cling on to the armrest as he starts the car, and soon he begins backing out.


I don't want to do this anymore.

I'm GONNA die.

"I can't do this!" I fling open the door, and the car comes to a sudden halt. I unfasten my seatbelt and sprint out, before collapsing near a rose bush, tears exploding from my eyes. Looking up, I see Jentzen parking and rushing over towards me. Great. I may as well just break up with him, saving me the heartbreak.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"

"Go away!" I cry.

"Baby, please. Not everybody jumps out the car like that. Are you okay?"

"No I'm not." My puffy eyes look up at him. "I'm terrified!"

"Of, of what?" He replies. "Wait, are you scared of me or something?"

"No, no, nothing like that." I say. "Your amazing, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"When I was 5 I was in a car accident. It killed my aunt, and I've always felt like I'm the reason she's not here. Ever since then, I never wanted to get in cars. It's scary, knowing you or your loved one could die in just a second." I blurt out, not realising what I'd just said.

"Oh El." He whispers, pulling me into a hug. "I had no idea. I would've never pressured you into driving if you weren't ready. Next time your scared, please tell me."

"Ok," I mumble. "Can we go inside now?"

"Of course," Jentzen smiles at me, and I lock my hand into his as I stand up. "We can cuddle."

"I'll love that." I grin, and it all flourishes over me. I'm okay, we're okay!

Maybe one day I'll be able to get in the car. Maybe one day I'll be able to go on road trip free of fear. Maybe one day, I'll be in the drivers seat! Maybe one day, I'll get my drivers license.

But all I know for now is that whatever happens, Jentzen Ramirez will be by my side.

a cute one x

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