remember that night? || Sarah Kays

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We went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning
I kissed you, it was pouring
We held each other tight before the night was over
You looked over your shoulder
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"

Elliana's POV:

"Mom, I don't want this!" My 8 year old daughter, Abby says, pushing her plate of beef, rice and green beans away from her.

"Me neither." My other daughter, Aurora cries. "I want nuggets and fries!"

I sigh. "Jentzen!" I shout across the room to my husband. "This is the result of you ordering takeout for them all the time, just because they guilt-trip you into doing it."

"What do you-?"

"I don't wanna hear it." I snap. "Girls, this is good, healthy food and the ONLY meal you're receiving tonight. For that matter, tomorrow, next week, and until every morsel of it's gone! No dessert, or ipad time before you've finished."

I make my way to the carpeted stairs and call out to Jentzen, "Put the kids to bed no later than 8, and load the dishwasher once everyone's eaten."

"Wait, where are you going?" He asks.

"To have some me time." I smirk. "Some of us actually have tiring days."

I don't bother looking at his reaction, instead I clamber up the stairs, heading to the bathroom. I recently found these old bath bombs from 2025, which was around 10 years ago. It's crazy how quickly time flies. I googled it, and it's perfectly safe to use bath bombs past their use by dates, so I decided to take a long bath with them for old times sake. 

I also decide to play my "Relax yourself" playlist (which I know every word too), because today is one of those days when I need it. These past 10 years have been crazy for me. I got married, gave birth twice, got a job, bought a house, and took on the most responsibilities I've had in my entire life. 

Being a mother is great, but there are moments when I just wish I didn't have them with me. I know it'll improve as they become teenagers, but hearing "I hate the dinner you made," or "Why are you so boring and annoying?" or "My friends moms are a lot better than you," is really damaging for somebody like me; someone so sensitive and insecure.

Regarding Jentzen, I also wish we could go back to when we were younger. It's safe to say marriage is magical as I imagined. Well, it's not that I don't love him anymore. Infact, it's the exact opposite - I love him to bits. But nowadays, we can't just watch movies and eat ice cream till 3am. We can't go to parties and come home to snuggles all day. We can't eat whatever crap we want and then go have fun at the beach. We can't-.

I stop for a second. A song comes on, Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. The iconic intro comes on, and I'm immediately swept back to that night...


We were only 18 and 19. Our best friends since middle school, Piper, Lev, Emily and Gavin were with us, at the back of a shiny black limo we booked for Lev's birthday. 

"Dare!" We chorus as Emily pulls out a card from Gavin's hand.

"What does it say?" Piper asks.

"No, no, there's no way I'm doing this." She replies.

"Oh come on, what is it," I ask, going over to her side. Instantly, I burst into squeals.

"Choose a partner and compete against ALL other couples in a 'Who can make out the longest?' contest." She says, before scrunching up the paper and tossing it into the trunk. 

Gavin, the only other single person in the room, batts his eyelashes, which makes all of us giggle. "Hello hello Miss Dobson."

"Whatever," Emily shrugs, "Lets get this over with."

"Hurry up and finish your breath mint Jentz," I whine. As soon as he heard the dare, he shoved the mint into his mouth.

"I'm just tryin' have good breath for you Ellie." 

"Well WE," Lev puts his arm around Piper, "don't need any breath mints to win."

"#Liper for the win!!" Piper slurs. You can tell she's already drunk.

"Alright, I'm ready!" Jentzen announces.

"About time," Emily rolls her eyes. "3,2,1."

My lips meet his, and I close my eyes, feeling warmth. Everything around us vanishes, and time freezes like it would in a Sci-Fi movie. He holds my waist tightly, and my hands are placed on his cheekbones.

"Drinks!" I hear somebody call a few minutes later. Oh shit. My weakness. I know Piper and Gavin are probably already sipping away, which would mean their partners aren't attached to them anymore.

"Jentz, Elliana, you guys won," Lev tells us, therefore we pull away from each other. I rush over to grab my vodka, and Jentzen decides to have a few shots.

"Now let's party!" I cry, and we all start dancing as the bluetooth is turned on. When 'Party in the USA' starts playing, we all chuck the plastic cups in the trashbag. Lev lifts Piper and turns with her in his hands, me and Emily cartwheel our hearts out and Jentzen and Gavin do flip after flip after flip. Do we care that we're in a moving vehicle? Nope. Do we care that we're in dresses and tuxedos? No way. Do we care about underage drinking rules? Absolutely not.

I pull Jentzen in for one more kiss as the clock hit 2:30 am. I say:

"I love you baby."

End of flashback.

"I love you baby." I echo. The song fades away, and so do my memories, the memories that arrive when I hear that song.

The memories when I remember that night.

942 words! srry for not posting consistently. anyways, hope u like this oneshot 🫶🏻

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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