Bad Life || Bring Me the Horizon, Singrid

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tysm to @Thegreathaley for the idea!

When the world is on your shoulders
And the weight of your own heart is too much to bear
Well, I know that you're afraid things will always be this way
It's just a bad day, not a bad life
And I know it feels so hopeless
And I know how close you are to the edge right now
So I wrote this song to say, things won't always be this way, no
It's just a bad day, not a bad life

Elliana's POV:

I walk upstairs to Jentzen's room, and put down the two strawberry refreshers I bought for us down so I can knock on the door. "Jentzen? It's Elliana." 

I soon see my boyfriend open the door, and I was taken aback for a second, as he didn't look like my Jentzen. His hands were cold and clammy, his face was grey and pale, his eyes were puffy and had dark shadows underneath. Why, why was my positive, funny boyfriend like this? 

Because he lost his best friend. A dog to be exact. A fluffy, brown dog who's been by his side for years now. And I'm hurting too on the inside; I wasn't too close to Bear, but I'm really close to Jentzen, and seeing a person you care about hurting is one of the worst feelings imaginable. 

"I brought you you're favourite drink!" I say, walking to his unmade bed where he was sitting and handing it to him. "Do you wanna maybe go to the park later, or for a movie?"


"Do you wanna go hang out with the squad?"


"How about we play video games together?"

"Elliana, I said no, just leave me alone!" He rages, and I back away, petrified. Not only does her rarely call me Elliana, having many different nicknames for me, but I've never seen him raise his voice, let alone at me. 

"I, I'm sorry." I cry, and immediately he rushed over to me and pulls me into a tight hug, tears exploding from his eyes. 

"Don't be Ellie, it's my fault. It's just been really hard these past few days." You could tell how much he loved his dog by just looking at him for a second. I let him now it's okay before taking a sip out of my strawberry refresher. How was I going to make him smile? He makes people happy so easily, why was it so hard for me. 

"I want to make you feel better baby." I give him a quick kiss. "It isn't healthy for you to be cooped up like this crying all alone."

"You're right," he gulps. "You know, we should probably go film with Hunter, I'm already behind on my YouTube upload schedule." He stand up, but I hold him back.

"Jentzen, no. You need to focus on your mental health right now, and you shouldn't be worrying about-."


"They'll understand." I reassure him. "I promise. You know, I was thinking, we could go to the mall together!"

"You know, that would be a really good idea but..." 

"But what?" I ponder.

"The store closes in 5 minutes." He says, sarcastically rolling his eyes. I giggle, and say "Oops, my bad. It feels like 2 minutes ago I was at Starbucks." 

I give him hugs, and we lie down on the bed, and I snuggle underneath the covers, despite it only being 7p.m. Jentzen kisses my head and I snuggle into his chest. I rub his back and speaks softly to him. Saying he'll be okay. 

"Thank you Elliana, I'm so lucky and grateful for you," he murmurs.

"Me too, I love you." I reply, and we both hold each other and fall asleep, hugging through the entire night.

Jentzen's POV:

I wake up, and rub my eyes tiredly, like I do every morning. I see Elliana still sleeping beside me, and I give her a kiss on the forehead. "Wake up sleepyhead." 

"No," she groans, and I chuckle as I open the curtains. However, my jaw soon drops.

"What is it?" She asks, sitting up. "Snow!" She smiles, grabbing me and hugging passionately, but a frown remains on my face. "Come on Jentzen, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity in LA!"

"Elianna, it's just, I have so much to get done today, and the f*cking snow is just gonna interrupt it all, and I'm falling so far behind and," I sigh. "These past few days have been really bad." 

"Don't worry, I understand." She replies, and I feel love swarm around in me. That's why I love her so much, she's so understanding. "I feel like that a lot. But you always remind me things won't always be that way, and it's just a bad day, and my whole life isn't over. And now I will remind you of that."

"Aww, thank you." I coo, stroking my fingers through her luscious blonde hair. "You do know I love you, right?" 

"I love you too." Elliana grabs my hands, something I love that she does. "Now let's make the most of this snow!" She drags me out of my bedroom, and tosses me a jacket, and grabs my sister's, as she didn't bring hers.

"Liana won't mind, will she?" 

"I'm sure not," I grin, and we both exchange a little smirk, before dashing out the back door. Elliana immediately slips, and I quickly catch her and we both dart around my yard, now in a snowball fight.

"Not the hair Ellie!" I cry, and she mischievously laughs. Was she gonna play that game? Well, I will too. I grab an entire snowball, and hold it over Elliana's head. "You either let me bury you in snow, or this entire thing is being dropped on your head."

"Jentzen," she rolls her eyes, before trying to dodge my throw, however my aim is too perfect. Her anger bubbles for a second, but it soon turns into a laugh. "I can't see a thing because of your stupid snowball!" 

"Not my problem," I reply, but I soon wrap my arms around her, not being able to resits her whining face. "I'll wipe them away." I brush my grey gloves on her blue eyes, trying to destroy the cold white powder that was persistently latched onto her face. 

"You didn't really do much!" She exclaims. "But don't worry, it's not completely atrocious."

"I know, nothing I do can ever be atrocious." I add, before grabbing her so she stares into my eyes. "Listen Ellie, I'm so grateful for you and that I had you to help me get through this, I don't what I would've done without you."

"Thank you." She smiles. "I'll always be here for you."

1124 words hope you enjoyed it <3

 I wrote this after we had snow in England (weird, as it's march and we had it in December too. it's just British weather hahaha 😜).

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