Enchanted || Taylor Swift

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a LITTLE mature...

That this night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Elliana's POV:

I hate peer pressure. It gets me into these kinda situations. Like ending up in a party where I'm all alone on the dance floor. 

"Ellie, you wanna go have some fun..." my best friend Piper slurs to me. The thing is, I don't drink, as I'm a dancer and only 15 years old and I know it's bad for my health. However, it doesn't stop all of my friends from drinking, which makes them do stupid things. My other friend Emily is currently making out with Piper's boyfriend Lev, and it's clear both of them don't know what they're doing.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say, trying to get myself away from all these drunk people. I snake my way through the crowds at the party, but when I finally reach a clear room I bump into a tall boy with curly black hair and freckles. I immediately know this could not be good in the case he was drunk (which he probably was).

"Sorry," I stutter.

"It's ok." He replies, giving me a smile. "Um, do you know where everyone is?"

"Probably getting drunk," I roll my eyes without thinking, and he stares at me. Damn. "Sorry, I just really hate alcohol, drugs, tobacco and all that sorta stuff. I'm kinda lame."

"No, you're not! Actually," he pauses. "You're cool. You're brave enough to be your own person and make the right decisions. I don't drink either, I know it's not good for me or my peers, especially at this age." 

"I guess we're one in the same," I chuckle. We stand there in awkward silence for a few moments. 

"Do you wanna maybe go outside, and get some fresh air and a break from all these partiers? Together." He asks. That doesn't sound like a bad idea; he seems pretty sweet and it never hurts to make a new friend.

"Sure!" I smile, and we both walk outside together. I look up at the sparkling night stars that were in 2 large constellations stretching over the navy sky above us. The crescent moon glows, shining moonlight onto the grass. Everybody's inside. It's just us. 

We both look over at a wooden swing that was gently rocking back and forth, and he reaches out his right hand. I grab it, and warmth flows through my body. He leads me to the swing and we both perch on the plank of wood, and for a second the world freezes in time.

Jentzen's POV:

I look over at the girl, who was twirling one of her luscious blonde locks on her right pointer finger. Her tanned skin glowed in the moonlight and my right hand and her left one are still clinging onto each other.

"So, what's your name?" I ask, breaking the tranquil silence. I want to be at least one of her friends, and to do that I need to know her name.

"Elliana Walmsley. You can call me Ellie." Her blue eyes meet my brown ones, and I'm enchanted by her beauty. "And you?" 

"Oh. Jentzen, Jentzen Ramirez." I reply, and she nods. "How old are you?" I question, trying to keep the conversation going.

"15. I'll be 16 in June." She says, and I notice her blushing. 

"That's awesome. I'm 16, my birthday isn't for a while though." We sit there in another silence, but this time it's awkward. I inch closer to her, and sneakily wrap an arm around her waist. 

"Can I kiss you?" I blurt out, and she gives me a confused face. Hopefully this all goes to plan. 

"Um," she begins, and I pray from the inside she says yes. "I don't normally believe in love at first sight, but for you I can make and exception." She places we hands on my face and pulls me in for a kiss. I taste some coconut-flavoured chapstick which latches itself onto my lips, but I couldn't care less; I'm kissing the girl of my dreams. I plant small pecks down her neck, and she gifts me with a wide smile. We passionately begin to kiss, and we move together up and down the swing, the breeze blowing her strands of golden hair around. 

I pull away from her for a moment. "I think I like you."

"I think I like you too." She giggled, and both of her hands were tightly held in mine. 

"That's perfect." I reply, after giving her a quick kiss on her head. Everything time I look at her, I feel wonderstruck. It's only been few hours, but I know I'll always love Elliana Walmsley. 

10 years later - Elliana's POV:

The pain finally is over, and I hear Jentzen crying, and I distinguish them in my head as 'happy tears'. Opening my eyes and looking down, I see a happy baby with bright blue eyes and a speck of black hair smiling at me. My tears begin to flow out; despite the pain, I'm filled with joy. 

"Can you believe this is our baby Ellie?"

"I can't," I cry, smiling so much my muscles hurt. "I love you and our little girl." 

He kisses my head, just as he did when we first met, and then kisses our daughter Holly's head. "You both are my entire world."

He's mine too. 

896 words. shorter than the rest, but one of the fluffiest and cutest <3

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