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i rolled over in bed, rudely reminded of my less than admirable choices last night. the man's body was like a giant lump of regret lying in my bed. i stirred around a little, hoping to wake him. he didn't budge. "fucking hell..." i muttered to myself. "what was his name again?"

"gus" the man mumbled, rolling over to face me. oh my god i didn't just say that out loud. "right" i said. "well, gus, i'm going to go take a shower and when i come back you aren't going to be here so thank you and have a nice life" i told him while grabbing the throw blanket off the bed to cover myself while i walked to the bathroom. he stared at me, dumbfounded while i walked away from him.

god he better be gone when i get out of this shower. i'm not one for one night stands typically, but calvin, the guy i was seeing ended up making out with some other whore in the club last night. in my drunken rage bringing a stranger home seemed to be the only plausible revenge. technically i wasn't even "dating" the guy but i thought we had reached a point of exclusivity.

my skin started to turn red as the hot water splashed against me. i don't think there's a shower long or hot enough to wash away how gross i feel right now. i don't know anything about the guy who hopefully isn't laying in my bed anymore, plus i'm hungover.


i slowly pressed down on the door handle , peeking carefully through the crack the door to see if gus was still there.

"thank fuck" i said aloud when i got enough of a view to see he was gone. i walked back towards the bed, a piece of scrap paper on my pillow read

kicked out? give me a second chance sometime


i chuckled to myself while i read his note. i watched the paper float down into the garbage bin while i began trying to make myself look alive and presentable for the day.

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