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MY FAMILY HAS ALWAYS had ties to the Port Mafia, in fact when its how my parents met each other, while I don't know much about my parents, Mori did give me "basic information" about them.

Well if "basic information" is how they met and how they died. I don't even know their names. They met on a mission where they had both been assigned to the same job, only having passed each other in hallways before. They were only sixteen when they met, and from what I understand my mother was born into the mafia; while my father was taken in by Mori around the age of five. When they were eighteen they got together, and when they were twenty they had me. Mori says my mother picked the name after the pair had argued about what to name me. Not like it mattered anyway, when they were twenty-five, me being only five years old, they died on some sort of "super difficult mission" and I was left under Mori's care. 

I don't remember much of my childhood, and the parts I do, I choose not to think about. I do remember meeting my bestfriend, Osamu Dazai, who I always referred to by his last name even though I considered us close friends. When I met Dazai, things changed a lot, I finally had someone who was my age to relate to. Instead of being around Mori, I hung out with Dazai all the time. It was nice having a friend. We did everything together. 


I will try to post chapters as often as I can, with school I have no clue how easy or hard its going to be. I aim to update at least once a week.

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