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I WOKE UP WRAPPED in a blanket and Chuuya's arms. I looked up to see his eyes fixated on the TV, watching some sort of true crime show. "Did you sleep Chuuya?" I asked poking his cheek, slightly startling him. "That doesn't matter." he said, his voice quiet and raspy. "Yes it does Chuuya." I placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into my touch. "Please just relax, I care about you and I don't want to see you struggling to stay awake all day." He hummed in response, it almost sounded like a growl.

He pulled me up a little bit, just to rest his head on top of mine. His arms wrapped a little tighter around me. "Fine, but if you want me to sleep then you're staying." He said, whispering, I could tell he w as exhausted by the slur in his words. "Just because you're holding me doesn't mean I can't teleport away." I said, somewhat annoyed because I was beginning to feel hungry. "Why would you want to leave?" he asked, dragging out the last word. "Food." I sated bluntly. "If you leave to get food, bring me something please." He said, that's when I realized that he must be hungry too, especially after staying up all night. "So I can go get food?" he hummed in response letting go of his hold on me.

I teleported to an ally that I knew no one would be in this early in the morning. I didn't want to teleport into the store, because people usually asked questions. I walked from the ally to the store, grabbing some of my favorite breakfast foods and some of Chuuya's. Leaving out the alcohol that the ginger normally drinks. He didn't need it, and defiantly not this early in the morning. I knew he would be slightly upset, but wouldn't say anything about it.

I teleported back to my room only to find Chuuya fast asleep. I put the foods away, only leaving a drink out for myself as I prefer to eat with Chuuya. I opened the drink and sat on my bed. Once I was satisfied I put the drink down on the nightstand. Laying down next to Chuuya so I could watch TV. I paused the show that he was watching so that he could return to it later. Turning on a new show for myself.

After about four episodes I felt arms wrap around me. Just as I was about to tell him to go to sleep I heard his voice say "Relax, I'm going back to sleep. I just wanna hold you." I sat there flustered due to the sound of his morning voice while he buried his face into my hair.

About an hour had past before I heard a knock on my door, knowing it was either going to be Higuchi asking for tips to "win over Akutagawa" or Akutagawa asking for ways to avoid said women, or the occasionally "so what was Dazai like to you." It was going to be hell for either option. "Come in!" I yelled, hoping it wouldn't wake Chuuya. It wasn't weird for the two of them to see me and the ginger this close, as they always came at the most inconvenient moments. When the door was opened, I didn't expect to see the younger Akutagawa.

"Hey Gin." I said, Higuchi following behind her. Both of them squealing at the usually rude and snappy ginger, practically putty behind me. "As much as I love the two of you, please be a little less loud before you wake him up" I said rubbing my temple in frustration. "It's such a strange sight to see though, he looks so clam!" Gin said, before I could respond she started talking again "Anyways, we came here to gossip about boys, but seeing as you have one wrapped around you, you don't have to talk about him." Gin said while my cheeks flushed.

The two started talking about the guys they had crushes on, Higuchi talking about Akutagawa, being pretty delusional after the pairs hands brushed together while walking. Gin talking about Tachihara. I listened to the two girls talk for a few hours. Gin's situation seeming more possible to become a relationship. Eventually the girls started to get loud and Chuuya woke up, unwrapping his arms from around me, I honestly couldn't tell if the two younger knew that he had been holding me. Feeling him sit up a muttered a low "There's food in the fridge." He got up, ruffling my hair and walking over to the fridge, pulling out the cinnamon buns that I had picked up before he fell asleep. He put them on a plate and placed them in a microwave for a bit, I didn't know how he had put them in for as I had continued talking to Gin and Higuchi. Once the microwave went off, I notice Chuuya pull out a sperate plate and splitting the pack into two. He walked over with both plates, handing me one. "You need to eat too dumbass." he said, slightly annoyed, most likely due to the two girls in the room. The two sending a glance to each other as Chuuya sat down.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Chuuya asked. "Boys." I responded. He hummed. We continued the conversation, Chuuya butting in occasionally to give his input on the girls' situations. As the conversation continued, the plates of cinnamon rolls became emptier. Once mine was empty Chuuya gently grabbed it, placing the paper plate into the trash can. I knew e could tell that my conversation with the younger girls was almost over. The two girls stood up, saying there goodbyes and Chuuya walked back over to me, sitting down next to me crisscross and facing me. I tuned to face him as well.

"You have something on your lips." he said, his voice now deeper and more quiet. He grabbed my chin, tilting my face up to look him in the eye and pull me closer. My face instantly flushed, and I could see a pink dust on his face. "Is it okay if I try something princess." he asked, his voice now more concerned and nervous, still slightly confident. I nodded my head, giving him full permission to do whatever it is that he wanted to do.

Our lips connected, it was sweet. He was gentle. I never wanted it to end. He pulled away, staring into my eyes. "Was that okay? I don't want to freak you out or anything." he said, it was more than perfect. Instead of saying anything I tackled him in a hug, him falling backwards and wrapping his arms around me. "I'll take that as a yes?" I was too flustered to say anything. Just laying there, he started playing with my hair and I once again fell asleep, I really need to stop doing that.


i think that the longer that this book goes on the better i get at writing. we aint gonna wake up in a new day in the next chapter, y/ns just gonna take a nap and then were gonna get into the whole big relationship thing. i meant to post this earlier today but at school we did row machines and i told my friend that of they did all 4k meters i would do their health assignments so i had to do those on top of my hw.

𝙄 𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐 | Chuuya NakaharaWhere stories live. Discover now