dazai osamu

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I DON'T KNOW HOW many years it been since that stupid brunette left. I don't even remember what year he left. I simply don't care anymore. I was happier than ever. 

"Hey L/N." I heard the all too familiar voice of the ginger who had been there for me since said man left. "Hey ginger." I responded, purposely wanting to annoy him. That when he did what I didn't think he would ever do. He sat next to me and pulled me close to his face. "You should really stop calling me that Y/N." His voice just barely a whisper. It was low key attractive. 

I sat there flustered while he still had me close to his face. "You're very pretty you know that?" he said, I didn't know how to respond. He's flirted before but never this much. Usually just the casual "you know you love me" this wasn't normal for Chuuya. 

After just staring at him flustered for what seemed like eternity. He let go and said "I'm not joking, you are a very pretty girl Y/N. I could almost fall for you." and in that moment I started to wish that he would. "What's gotten into you Chuuya? Have you been drugged?" I asked, genuinely concerned for the man. I mean if he was drugged it could turn into a very serious situation. "Not that I'm aware, just felt like speaking my mind is all." he said, a pink blush dusting his cheeks. 

"Anyways, we have a mission, I know you haven't been on one in a while, but Mori decided your mental health break is over. And as much as I wish I could say you can stay if you want, I'd prefer if you were there. Its a big mission and almost everyone is going." He said, handing me the basic information about the mission. "The weretiger? I thought Akutagawa was supposed to go after him?" I asked, Chuuya had kept me updated during my short mental health break about the weretiger. Also, I'd like to mention that I am mildly offended that I wasn't invited to such an important meeting about a mission that I am going on. You think the shit-for-brains boss would think to invite his "oh so important child." I am sick of the man referring to me as his spawn. I have parents, they just aren't alive and growing up I was never treated like a kid. 

"So he has help from the detective agency?" I asked, trying to confirm the information best as I could, it would've really helped if I had been at the meeting. "He's in the detective agency Y/N." "Alright then. Leave so I can change please." I said. He hummed, "Maybe I should stay." he said, moving closer. I push him out of the room, extremely flustered. 


Walking down a weird hallway to see whoever it was that we had chained up was not what I has initially imagined. As we were approaching the entrance I heard a yawn. "Its about time." A familiar and bored voice stated. I almost froze, was I really about to see him. I honestly didn't want to. I pray that whoever said that just has a similar sounding voice. Just as we started to walk down the stairs, my fears were confirmed, I wasn't going to show it though. Chuuya looked at me, which I assume was to see how I was going to react to this but I kept my face completely blank. Dazai Osamu. The man that I had once considered my best friend, whom I had now grown to hate. He looked up. "Plotting as usual are we?" Chuuya said while we were still walking down the stairs. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, anxiety ready to consume me at any given moment, but I had to keep my composure. 

"Creepy, just frightening." Dazai said, his face contorting into the stupidest thing I have ever seen. "I like your reaction!" Chuuya exclaimed while jumpind down the rest of the stairs, I teleported beside him so that I could catch up. And because it gave me a sense of power. "Makes me wanna strangle you." He said while looking at Dazai, I was also looking at the man in front of us but not a single glance was sent my way. In a way I was glad. Maybe he didn't recognize me, I hoped he didn't recognize me. 

𝙄 𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐 | Chuuya NakaharaWhere stories live. Discover now