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I FELT SOMEONE LAY down next to me, pulling me out of my sleep. My headphones no longer in my ears, lost somewhere in the bed. I look over even though I knew it was Chuuya. He hadn't been sleeping in his room recently, but I didn't mind. It was nice to know someone who I love is right next to me. I sent a smile to the ginger that was beside me, only to notice that his face looked upset, not at me, but at himself. "Hey what's wrong Chuu?" I asked while sitting up. He sat up and looked at me "I'm sorry for not coming home sooner, I shouldn't let that happen." He said, his eyes filling with tears. I had only seen Chuuya cry a few times, even though he still looked amazing while crying, it hurt me to see him this way. "Chuu, I'm okay. Don't feel bad. Please?" I said, putting my hand to his cheek, him leaning into my touch. 

As the ginger completely melted into my touch, I played with his hair. "I'm sorry." he said, obviously still upset. "Don't be, nothing happened to me. I'm okay." I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and left a short kiss on my neck, snuggling into it. My heart melted at the action. "I love you." I head him mumble. "I love you too." I said in response, playing with his hair until he fell asleep, I eventually fell asleep with him. 


I woke up to Chuuya still being asleep, arms wrapped around me, he looks much more peaceful than he did last night. While I was looking at him I hadn't realized that he had woken up. "If you take a picture it will last longer princess." he said, his raspy morning voice made me feel so flustered. He had leaned in to kiss me, I placed a hand onto his mouth before he could reach mine, "I have bad morning breath." I said with a giggle. "I don't care." he said removing my hand from his mouth, pinning it behind my head, now hovering over me. My face flushed a very deep shade of red. He planted a long kiss on my lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I had started to sit up a little, still kissing, at this point making out, with Chuuya. Once Chuuya was sat down on my bed I crawled on top of him and sat on his lap. His hands moving to my waist, pulling me closer. I pulled away to catch my breath, looking at Chuuya who had a very sweet and loving smile on his face. 

"You know what Chu? This is going to sound so weird by the way. When I first met you, I hated you. But, I knew you'd be good to have around. I love you Chuuya Nakahara, I always will." I said, looking into his eyes, he leaned in and planed a kiss on my lips. "I get where you're coming from. I used to hate you, but look at me now I'm head over heals in love. I will always love you Y/N L/N." 


"Hey Chuu, Gin just called. She asked if we could babysit Akira and Keiko, do you think we could?" I asked, Gin is my best friend and her kids were very sweet. Akira and Keiko are twins, four years old, have black shaggy hair and yellow irises. As much as I don't really like kids, Gin and Michizou's kids were pretty well behaved, however behaved a child born into the mafia could be. A barely awake Chuuya responded with a quick "Yeah." I felt bad for asking him while he was half asleep because I knew he would agree either way. I turned back to my phone to tell Gin that Chuuya had agreed. 

I heard a knock at the door while updating Chuuya on the whole babysitting thing. "Come in!" I yelled from the living room, Chuuya and I had decided about two years ago to put our money together and buy a house. While we lived in the port mafia head quarters it felt weird to show any affection to each other since so may people were around, with a house we were way more comfortable showing affection to each other. "Aunt Y/N!" the twins had said as they ran up to me, I was around them a lot more than Chuuya and they were more comfortable being around me. While I picked up the two to give them a hug, I looked over at Chuuya, his look told me that he wished the kids were as excited to see him. "I missed you guys so much!" I said putting them down. 

Chuuya kept the twins entertained with a pack of Pokémon cards that I had bought for the twins last time I was out. I head Chuuya explaining each card to them as they asked him questions, amazed with his knowledge. "Thank you so much Y/N, we have a very important mission and the kids didn't like their old babysitter." Gin said apologetically while Michizou added "It really means a lot, we'll try to keep it short." while scratching his neck. "It's really no trouble, we weren't busy today." I said while walking the pair out the door. Giving both of them a hug and wishing them luck on their mission. 

Walking over to Chuuya I said "I didn't know you knew so much about Pokémon?" I questioned. "I liked them a lot when I was younger, I got into them when I started liking you in a desperate attempt to impress you because Dazai had told me you liked them." He said, his face flushing in embarrassment. I awed at him "I did really like them, I wish I would've noticed sooner." I said, feeling a little sad that I hadn't noticed his not so obvious attempts to get my attention when we were younger. 

We talked about Pokémon cards with the twins for like two hours, one they got hungry Chuuya made food for the four of us. After earing the kids got really energetic. And then it hit. "Chu? How much sugar was in those cupcakes?" I asked, I knew the kids would have a sugar crash later but I had gone to the bathroom, not knowing how much sugar was in the cupcakes, nor how much they ate. As Chuuya picked up the box I realized it was now empty, meaning that they had eaten all twelve cupcakes. 

We chased the kids around the house to tire them out. When the two finally fell asleep on one of the couches, Chuuya and I sat on the other one, turning on the TV. "We're never having kids." I said while leaning onto Chuuya. "I can agree with you on that." He said, letting out a sigh. "I mean I'd be fine with adopting an older kid who needs a home. But young kids are so much work." I said. "Would you wanna do that? I always wanted a family but I never really wanted to have kids." he stated. I really started to think about it. Should we adopt a kid? I mean it would be one less kid in the shitty system, but I wouldn't want to bring a child into this life, I knew how hard it was growing up in the mafia and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, let alone a kid who could potentially have a much better and less dangerous life. "I don't know" I responded "maybe we should start with a pet." I stated, a light giggle escaping my throat. Chuuya hummed in agreement. 

I can't believe I ever hated him. 


that's the end. thank you sm for reading i hoped you enjoyed. if you have a recommendation for a story, please leave it here and i will take it into consideration! hope you had a nice time reading!

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