what are we

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I WOKE UP WITHOUT Chuuya beside me. I was confused, usually he would be by my side after sleeping, its weird considering he had kissed me before I fell asleep. Suddenly I heard the bathroom door open, looking over I saw Chuuya. "Oh my God! You're awake! I thought you died for a second there!" he said, I giggled in response. He sat down beside me and pulled me onto his lap, touching our foreheads together. One had traveled to my waist, while the other traveled to my cheek. He pulled me closer, connecting our lips yet again. He pulled my waist even closer and deepened the kiss. His hand moving further back on my neck. Pulling away to breathe, he stared into my eyes. I could get lost in his eyes do easily. He quick pecked my nose and then buried his face into my neck, leaving a light kiss on it. "You're awfully affectionate today." I stated with an airy laugh. He mumbled in response. 

"Hey Chuuya?" I asked, a hum coming from the ginger. "What are we?" I asked, my face flushing in embarrassment. What if he doesn't like me the same way that I like him? What if he was just trying to lead me on and then leave? "I don't know Y/N, what do you want us to be?" he asked, moving his face from my neck back to my forehead, pecking my lips. "I really like you so..." I said. "Well then Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his face turning red. "I would love that!" I said. He pulled me in for another kiss, this one more sweet, both smiling into the kiss. 

Suddenly we both heard a knock on the door, Gin and Higuchi coming in before I could say anything and before I could move from Chuuya's lap. "Hey Y/N? I was wondering if yo-" Gin started before Higuchi could finish. "OH MY GOD!" Higuchi exclaimed. I jumped off Chuuya, sitting next to him and burying my face into his shoulder so I didn't have to look at the girls. Chuuya's arm sliding around my waist, he seemed amused at the embarrassed state. Planting a small kiss on the top of my head. 

"You two look so cute together!" The blonde squealed. "Higuchi, Gin, please wait until I answer next time that you knock on the door." I said. "As much as I think that its cute to see Y/N like this, I agree. We were kind of in the middle of something." Chuuya confessed, his face also heating up. "Please leave, you can come back at like, I don't know, in a few hours." I said to the two girls, looking them in the eye for the first time since they've been in my room. 

Once the two girls left Chuuya looked at me. "Are you okay? You seem a little flustered." He said, grabbing my chin, making him look at me. My face flushed even more, looking at his lips. He looked at mine, inching closer every second. His lips connecting to mine, he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto him so that I was sitting on his lap. He grabbed my thighs, making a slight moan escape my lips. His tongue entered my mouth and his hands traveled to my hips, eventually making their way to my ass. We both pulled away. Looking at each other as we both said, at the same time, "Too early." We stared at each other and laughed, both understanding each other is something that I love. 


Chuuya was leaning on my shoulder while we were watching one of his true crime shows on Netflix when he suddenly got a text. He grabbed his phone, unlocked it and read the text, I'm not sure why I was looking but I guess I was just bored. 

band-aid man 

hey chuuya, can you come to my room? i need advice on something

He put his phone away after responding with a sure and turned to me. "I've gotta go, I'll see you in a bit okay?" he said getting up and kissing my cheek. "Bye princess!" he said while walking out the door. "Bye ginger!" I said in response. I am so madly in love. 


sorry for the short chapter. of you couldnt tell band-aid man is tachihara. i think this story is comming to an end soon, probably 3-5 chapters left. 

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