i love you

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I SAT THERE WHILE Chuuya laid on top of me. When he had pulled me down on top of him he moved me to be under him after a while, probably so I couldn't leave. My phone is about to die and I can't reach the remote, with Chuuya on top of me I can't reach it. 

I nudged Chuuya a little so I could get up to get to the remote. Instead of waking up he tightened his arms around me. "Don't leave." is all a heard from a very tired sounding Chuuya. "I have to get the remote Chuuya." I said in response, I really need to turn something on. "No you don't." he said "Just sleep with me." My cheeks flushed at how needy he was being, but also how the phrase 'just sleep with me' sounded. I guess I was taking too long to say something back to him burrowed his head into my neck and I heard a light voice say "Not like that, just go to sleep." He said, planting a kiss on my neck. "Chuu, I'm not tired though." He pushed up on the bed and looked at me, face flushed. "What did you just call me?" He asked, voice gentle. "Chuu?" I said, it sounding like a question rather than an answer. He started to pepper my face with kisses. I giggles at the ticklish feeling. "What's gotten into you?" I asked, still laughing. "You've never given me a nickname, well you have but you've called me ginger since we were kids. Being called a different nickname is different, a good different." He said, it sounded do loving. I felt bad for not giving him a nickname sooner. He planted one final kiss onto my lips. 


I love this man so much, as corny as that sounds its true. I feel like I should tell him, but is it to early? We've been together for six months so it wouldn't be weird right? I don't know. Should I wait for him to say it first? It's all so confusing. On the bright side, Gin and Tachihara are together now! They look so cute together! Although poor Higuchi is still chasing after the older Akutagawa, who very clearly isn't interested in her. I don't have the heart to tell her that though, and neither does Gin. We can only hope that the blonde realizes. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the familiar voice of Chuuya.

"Hey princess, what's up? You look like you have a lot of thoughts going on up there." Chuuya said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Nothing much." I responded, keeping it short. I was hoping that he wouldn't pry at it because the previous thought of 'should I say that I love him' running through my head. "You sure? We could talk about it if you want?" Should I talk to him about it? I don't think I'm ready for that. I'm not going to. Then Chuuya did the unexpected. "You sure, you could talk about anything with me. I love you Y/N." My cheeks flushed. He just said that he loved me. "I love you to Chuuya." I said back, my face still flushed and his flushing. He gave me the most massive hug and heard Chuuya say "I though that was gonna go worse if I'm being honest. I thought you might think it was too early to say it but six months is a long time." he said. I hugged him back, planting a kiss on his cheek.

As we were walking around aimlessly outside, doing absolutely nothing we heard a voice that was terribly familiar coming from behind. "Chuuya!" The voice said, expending the last part of his name. "Dazai." Chuuya said, annoyance apparent in his voice. "I didn't think I would see my two favorite people here today!" He said, cheer in his voice, fake or not I didn't want to be around him. His arms were around both of our shoulders. I really wanted to just teleport out of here but due to Dazai's ability, I knew that he'd stop me. "You two finally together or what?" Dazai said. Both of us just ignoring Dazai. The silence was to awkward, I had to say something. I know this is going to be hard because I haven't said anything to the man since we were like fifteen. "I hate to be that person, actually I love being that person, we were enjoying our day so could you please leave. I don't really want to see you. Ever." I said. "Oh relax Y/N! I haven't spent time with you in years and you want me gone?" Dazai responded, arms no longer on my shoulders, nor Chuuya's. "Exactly!" I said to the brunette man. 

Of course Dazai didn't listen and decided to tag along. Too many memories of when I was younger came back, while a lot were good memories of when the brunette man had arrived at the port mafia, bad ones also came back. Memories of my family came crashing down, memories of the horrors I had endured as a young child, a child so young she shouldn't have gone through that, and the memories of when I had done such terrible things to myself. I feel tear building up in my eyes so I had walked away from the two boys, hoping they didn't notice. Slipping into the girl's bathroom, going into a stall, locking the stall, sitting down, and letting the tears fall. I wiped my tears away in frustration, why am I crying. This is the past, I shouldn't be upset about it now. 

I teleported myself back to my room, sending Chuuya a text so he doesn't worry.


hey chuu

i went home

stuff was coming back up that i didnt want to remember

ill be okay but i just wanted to let you know so i didnt worry you 

i love you

my love <3

thats okay love 

ill be home soon

i dont wanna stick around for much longer

i love you too 

relax for a bit love



I set my phone down and laid down on my bed trying to relax my brain. I just want to sleep for a little. I grabbed my ear buds and put some music on that could possibly help me sleep. I decided to put on my Cigarettes After Sex playlist, a playlist that me and Chuuya listen to together all the time. The last song I remember hearing was Sunsetz.


woo another chapter.

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